Members and Associate
EuroHealthNet Members are national and regional institutes, academic and research centres, national and regional authorities, as well as government departments and some civil society organisations.
EuroHealthNet Members are accountable public bodies with responsibilities and/or expertise in public health, health promotion, health inequalities, disease prevention, or other relevant fields. They are part of all three EuroHealthNet platforms, and enjoy additional core member services as well. They set the direction of the Partnership.
The work of the Austrian Health Promotion Fund (FGÖ), business unit of Austrian National Public Health Institute, is based on the Health Promotion Act passed in 1998 (Gesundheitsförderungsgesetz, GfG). In accordance with its mission, the FGÖ develops and promotes health promotion and primary prevention in Austria. The general objectives set are:
- Maintaining, promoting and improving the health of the population in a holistic sense and at all stages of life.
- Education and information on preventable diseases and physical, mental and social factors affecting health.
Derived from the Health Promotion Act, the FGÖ defines its role in the health promotion landscape as a funding agency, competence centre and turntable. The concrete definition of these interlinked roles, resulting tasks and intended benefits are:
- Funding Agency: The FGÖ is the national funding agency for health promotion projects in Austria.
- Competence centre: In cooperation with stakeholders and actors in health promotion, the FGÖ develops and disseminates knowledge, develops skills and quality in the field of health promotion.
- Turntable: The FGÖ promotes the exchange of practice, science and politics in the field of health promotion.
The Flanders Institute for Healthy Living aims to promote healthy living and a healthy environment, thereby helping to create a better quality of life for everyone in Flanders.
Gezond Leven uses the following strategies to optimise health promotion and disease prevention in Flanders:
- Supporting professionals and their organisations by providing methodologies, strategies, advice and training
- Raising awareness among target groups
- Supporting local implementation of Flemish preventive health policy
- Making efforts towards healthier policies at every level and in every sector
- Encouraging cooperation between professionals and all those working in health promotion and disease prevention or who have an influence on human health
The Flanders Institute for Healthy Living is an expertise centre for health promotion and disease prevention. It provides strategies, advice, methodologies, support of implementation and training for health workers and professionals. These are aimed at all those involved in health promotion and disease prevention. It is for both front-line workers and policymakers.
Our experts develop ready-to-use packs with a strong scientific foundation. These support the work done by health professionals. The Flanders Institute for Healthy Living fulfills a link function between the theory and practice of health promotion.
The Flanders Institute for Healthy Living works closely with the LOGOs (Lokaal GezondheidsOverleg, local deliberation on health), thereby supporting local activities around the six Flemish health targets.
AVIQ is responsible for major policies: Wellbeing and Health, Handicaps and Family.
Wellbeing and Health
- Reimbursement of health-related social security benefits in nursing homes
- The organisation of the first line of care and home care
- Disease prevention and health promotion
- funding of hospitality and accommodation facilities as well as hospitals
- disability awareness and information
- Home planning assistance
- Financing employment opportunity policies
- The definition of family allowance subsidies
- management of the budget and relevant budget lines.
The National Center of Public Health and Analyses (NCPHA) is a structure within the national healthcare system and carries out activities for protecting public health, promoting health and preventing diseases, providing information for healthcare management.
In conformity with its main activities for the purpose of protecting and promoting health the NCPHA examines the population’s health status and the relationship with environmental factors and living conditions; conducts epidemiological surveys and evaluates risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases; participates in the development, coordination and performance of national programmes and action plans as well as in international research programmes oriented to strengthening public health (including mental, reproductive and sexual); carries out intervention activities, training workshops and publishes information and methodical materials; assesses exposure and health risk for the population from the impact of biological, chemical and physical hazards on the ambient and working environment as appropriate recommendations have been prepared; conducts monitoring on nutrition and nutritional status of the population and develops Manuals for nutrition of target population groups.
The NCPHA leads, controls, monitors and coordinates information activities in the healthcare, develops and unifies the medical and statistical documentation for the population health status and for the resources and activities of hospitals; develops mathematic models and prognoses for the demographic and health status of the population; provides current and annual medico-statistical and economic information; accomplish activities on the development of unified health information system and electron healthcare; elaborates and implements a system for classification of patients and reporting and payment technologies; maintains classifications, nomenclatures, standards and methodologies; participates in the realization of statistical activities of the nation as having collaborated with the National Statistical Institute; maintains, updates and publishes health information standards; organizes, coordinates and controls activities for developing electron healthcare; elaborates methods and models for planning and management of resources for hospitals; develops, implements and maintains national standards of coding in hospitals and monitors the process of coding.
The mission of the NCPHA is to integrate these diverse activities into achieving good health benefits for the population. All the efforts of employees in the NCPHA – specialists with academic ranks and degrees, experts and technical personnel – are oriented to applying modern technologies in the field of public health and occupying a leading place in the national healthcare.
Czech Republic
The National Institute of Public Health is a contributory organization of the Ministry of Health.
The Institute’s aims comprise science and research, reference and methodological advice, providing expert opinions on the health safety of various products (e. g. cosmetics, food supplements, items of daily use etc.), systematic monitoring of the environmental impact on population health in the Czech Republic, preparation of legislation in the field of health protection, including harmonization of Czech legislation with the norms of the European Union.
England / United Kingdom
Engages with EU Institutions and European partners to develop a strategic approach to EU policy development on behalf of our stakeholders.
- Delivers a programme of European learning opportunities for staff, developing understanding and building collaborative relationships with European partners.
- Works with EU partners to identify and assess relevant EU legislation and inform our stakeholders if its impacts for their organisations.
- To ensure the good management of the Centre, in accordance with all relevant European and national legislation and policies.
- Opportunities for learning and sharing good practice across Europe (for example through workshops, conferences, study tours and exchanges);
- Practical examples of different ways of working from across the European Union;
- Development of EU partnerships to promote Kent and Medway health and social care to key decision makers and institutions;
- Advice and help for stakeholders to develop, implement and manage EU projects;
- Intelligence gathering and dissemination through regular bulletins and briefing papers on health and social care topics;
- Advice to stakeholder organisations on relevant EU policy developments;
- Facilitation of workforce development opportunities (such as deployment of staff to other EU countries and access to EU learning programmes).
The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) is a research and development institute under the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. THL seeks to serve the broader society in addition to the scientific community, actors in the field and decision-makers in central government and municipalities. The aim is to promote health and welfare in Finland.
The Association of Voluntary Health, Social and Welfare Organisations (YTY), the Finnish Federation for Social Welfare and Health (STKL), and the Finnish Centre for Health Promotion (Tekry) transferred their separate actions to SOSTE on 1 January 2012. SOSTE is a national not-for-profit social and health NGO that has over 200 member organisations.
The purpose of SOSTE – Finnish Society for Social and Health at regional, national and European level is to:
- Function as an expert and advocate for social and health politics
- Function as a not-for-profit organisation building the conditions for social well-being and health, people’s participation and a just and responsible society individually and in cooperation with its member organisations and other parties
- Enhance the ability of registered social and health non-governmental organisations to operate in the best interests of the people
- Promote social well-being and health
- Build social justice and equity
- Strengthen people’s fundamental rights and possibilities for participation and involvement.
Santé publique France was created on 27 April 2016 as the French National Public Health Agency, resulting from the merging of the French Institute for Public Health Surveillance (InVS), the French Institute for Health Promotion and Health Education (Inpes) and the Establishment for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response (Eprus).
Santé publique France will serve the population in all aspects of public health based on scientific knowledge, data, and information.
It will support the government and society in improving the health and well-being of the population. It will apply a population-based approach with the objective of reducing social health inequalities in all areas of public health: Infectious diseases; Non infectious diseases; Environmental health; Occupational health.
The agency is present throughout the national territory with regional units, including oversea territories, and works hand to hand with the Regional Health Agencies (ARS).
Santé publique France will:
- Analyse up-to-date knowledge and data on the determinants of health and risk factors.
- Provide decision makers at all levels with independent evidence-based guidance and recommendations. It will be supported by expert committees.
- Propose measures to health authorities to protect the population from health threats.
- Develop evidence-based interventions for prevention and health promotion.
- Contribute to preparedness and management of health crisis, and provide support for the implementation of response plans.
Operating as a network, cooperation with partners and health professionals enables to combine strengths.
Openness and dialogue with stakeholders and the civil society is one of the founding principles of Santé publique France.
The agency will have 4 committees:
- A Management Board
- A Scientific Council
- A Public Health Ethics and Professional Conduct Committee
- An Openness and Dialogue Committee.
Inform, motivate, support – for healthy behaviour and healthy living environments.
The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) is a higher federal authority and departmental research institute within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry for Health (BMG), based in Cologne, Germany.
BZgA is responsible for health promotion and disease prevention in Germany. It communicates reliable knowledge on health issues and promotes healthy lifestyles and health literacy among the general public. To this end, it devises strategies and turns them into evidence-based campaigns, programmes and other activities.
For more information, see
The Institute of Preventive Medicine, Environmental and Occupational Health, Prolepsis, is a non-profit organization actively involved since 1991 in the fields of public health, health promotion, environmental and occupational health, as well as medical research and epidemiology.
Among Prolepsis’ main objectives is to organize and implement research and educational projects. The Institute also aims at the dissemination and promotion of knowledge on preventive medicine, health promotion and research methodology. It participates both as a coordinator and a partner in several European public health projects and implements applied health promotion initiatives in cooperation with national and European institutions. In addition, it organizes scientific meetings, seminars and conferences for specific occupational groups, e.g. health professionals, as well as the general public, either independently or in collaboration with universities and scientific bodies in Greece and abroad, such as the Harvard School of Public Health.
The National Center For Public Health and Pharmacy (NNGYK) functions as a central budgetary authority being a central agency under the direction of the Minister responsible for public health. NNGYK has national competence within its scope of activities.
In order to fulfil the public health goals set out in the legislation, NNGYK performs managing, coordinating and supervising activities related to public health (especially environmental and settlement health, food and nutritional health, child and young health, radiohygiene and chemical safety), epidemiology, health development (health protection, health education, health promotion), and public health administration, as well as supervision of healthcare provision. Furthermore, on the basis of delegated competence NNGYK carries out tasks and duties relating to occupational health (workplace hygiene, occupational medicine), exercises and executes private law rights and duties in the field of occupational health.
NNGYK is managed by the Chief Medical Officer (CMO). The CMO is involved in exercising powers granted to the Minister as professional manager over the government offices of the capital city and of the counties (hereinafter: government office) and the subregional (or district) offices acting in their public health function (hereinafter: subregional office).
The Institue of Public Health works to promote health and wellbeing, improve health equity, and reduce health inequalities throughout the life course.
The Institute has researchers and policy specialists from a range of disciplines based in offices in Dublin and Belfast.
The Institute works with national and local government departments, and have established partnerships with public health schools, clinical and academic institutions, and community organisations on the island of Ireland, in the UK, EU and globally.
As a North South body, partnership working on the island of Ireland is a priority for the Institute.
The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (National Institute of Health), also ISS, is an Italian public institution that, as the leading technical-scientific body of the Italian National Health Service, performs research, trials, control, counselling, documentation and training for public health. The institute is under the supervision of the Ministerio della Salute.
- Environment and Primary Prevention
- Cell Biology and Neurosciences
- Haematology, Oncology and Molecular Medicine
- Therapeutic Research and Medicines Evaluation
- Infectious, Parasitic and Immune-Mediated Diseases
- Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety
- Technology and Health
National centres
- National AIDS Centre
- National Centre for Chemical Substances
- National Centre for Epidemiology, Surveillance and Health Promotion
- Centre for Immunobiologicals Research and Evaluation
- National Centre for Rare Diseases
- Evaluation and Accreditation Body
- National Blood Centre
- National Transplant Centre
Technical Services
- Service for Biotechnology and Animal Welfare
- Data Management, Documentation, Library and Publishing Activities
The Federation, at a national level, has the representation of the nursing profession in the interest of members and citizens who benefit from the skills that membership of an Order in itself certifies and safeguards. It also guarantees the public interests, granted by the law, related to professional practice. The National Federation coordinates and promotes the activities of the respective Provincial Orders and its supervisory body is the Ministry of Health.
Veneto Region is an Italian regional authority. It aims to guarantee the fulfillment of the personal expectations of its citizens as well as their participation to the political, economic and social resources of the region. The objectives of its Health and Social Affairs Department are to better implement an essential level of care provision and to increase health prevention and promotion.
The Veneto Region is situated in the North-Eastern part of Italy and it is divided into seven provinces with about 4,7 million inhabitants living in 580 municipalities (2006). About 71% of the population live in towns with fewer than 30.000 inhabitants and the average population density is 244,2 per km². The percentage of foreign citizens resident in the Region is about 6,8% (2007). The Veneto has a positive growth rate (0,5%) and a growing population above the age of 65 (17,5%). The GDP (2005) per capita is 27.691 € higher than the Italian average (23.474 €). The expenditure in R&D is 0,59% of the GDP.
The Regional Government is based in Venice.
Tuscany is a region in central Italy with an area of about 23,000 square kilometers and a population of about 3.8 million inhabitants. Regione Toscana (Tuscany Region) is the regional authority and administrative body of the region; it has legislative, administrative, and financial autonomy and is responsible, on a regional level, for issues including education, social issues, healthcare, international cooperation, and the environment.
The Tuscan health system includes three Local Health Authorities and four university hospitals:
- Central Tuscany: Local Health Authorities (Florence, Prato, Pistoia, Empoli)
- Northwest Tuscany: Local Health Authorities (Lucca, Massa e Carrara, Versilia, Pisa and Livorno)
- Southeast Tuscany: Local Health Authorities (Siena, Arezzo and Grosseto)
- University hospital Careggi (Florence)
- University hospital Meyer (Florence)
- University hospital of Pisa
- University hospital of Siena
The health system is the sector to which the region commits the largest share of its budget and organizational structure, and constitutes an infrastructure of services and activities that can generate positive effects throughout the region. It is, in spite of and even more so in a period of economic crisis, a driving force of development for the entire regional economy, in which economic development is seen not as an end in itself but also includes, in a context of sustainability, measures tied to the social sector and the environment. Regione Toscana is also actively involved in the promotion of the Tuscan Life Sciences Cluster for large and small companies operating in the sector.
Regione Toscana has a long-standing tradition of activities to promote wellness, including healthy diets and physical activity. The latest version of Regione Toscana’s multi-year health plan includes a major focus on “health in all policies”, i.e. the promotion of healthy lifestyles across all sectors (urban planning, environment, welfare, transportation, commerce, schools, culture, sport, etc.). The project team will include colleagues in other relevant sectors of the regional government as well as the region’s associated health agencies for specific expertise on obesity; expertise in the management of European projects will also be present.
Federsanita is a nationalwide association including municipalities and public health authorities. As a result of the economic crisis and new poverty (immigrants, news poors) a major social and health priority is the access to care and the fight against inequalities. Federsanita is seeking new strategies to address more effectively these new social challenges.
DoRS – Health Promotion Documentation Center of Piedmont Region
Who we are
We are a documentation center established by the Region of Piedmont in 1998. Working at the center is a group of professionals in documentation, communication, planning, training, and evaluation.
We help to disseminate the culture and practice of health prevention and promotion and we support actions for their sustainable development.
We provide access to robust and up-to-date documentation of the efficacy of public health projects and interventions through the Health in All Policies approach. We facilitate processes of knowledge transfer and exchange (KTE). We provide data, scientific evidence, regulations, models and tools, good practices and training courses for planning, managing, and evaluating health prevention and promotion interventions with an equity focus.
We provide Piedmont regional government and Local Health Units with the necessary scientific, methodological support for health promotion and prevention actions and strategies. In addition, we help decision makers and health practitioners to improve their skills through:
- Participation in work groups and local, regional, and international networks and projects
- Translation, summarizing, and adaptation of documentation
- Dissemination of social marketing and health communication strategies
- Database creation and management
- Evaluation of projects and good practices
- Training and continuing professional education in health prevention and promotion
- Management of a specialist periodicals library
Our guiding principles are:
- The principles of scientific transparency and independence, as we belong to no organization with vested interests that could bias our activities.
- The recommendations outlined in the Ottawa Charter (1986) and the Shanghai Declaration promoting health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the WHO/Europe Health 2020 strategy.
- Core competencies and professional standards for health promotion practitioners required by the accreditation system CompHP. Developing competencies and professional standards for health promotion capacity building in Europe (International Union for Health Promotion and Education – IUHPE, 2012)
Target audience
Our target audience is composed of people interested in individual and community health and well-being, particularly the practitioners and professionals in the health care, education, social and culture sectors and the administrators and decision makers at local, regional, and national levels in:
- Regional governments and local authorities
- Local health units and hospitals
- Ministry of Health and Istituto Superiore di Sanità
- Regional and local school offices and schools of all levels
- Universities and research institutes
- Third sector agencies
The main goal in public health of the Riga city municipality is clearly defined in 2012 by Riga city council when it approved its public health strategy for the period 2012-2021. The aim is to improve the health of the population of Riga and to reduce premature deaths. To achieve this goal, the public health strategy defines the following objectives:
- To reduce the incidence of non-communicable diseases, including addiction prevention;
- To improve people’s knowledge about healthy lifestyles ;
- To promote a healthy and safe city , learning and working environment;
- To improve health care services for the city of Riga.
To ensure that the objectives defined in the strategy are introduced, Riga’s city council approved the Action Plan for the implementation of the strategy in 2012 -2016 , the Action Plan aims to promote interdisciplinary collaboration on public health and to introduce the “health in all policies ” concept in the municipality of Riga. The aim of the local government is to create conditions in which the healthy choices for the population are easily accessible and convenient.
The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC) of Latvia was established on 1st April 2012 by Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia. Centre is supervised by Ministry of Health ( It is seated in the capital city – Riga, Latvia.
CDPC of Latvia goals are to strengthen Latvia’s public health system, prevent diseases, including infectious and rare diseases.
CDPC of Latvia goals are to implement national public health policy in the field of epidemiological safety and disease prevention, to ensure the implementation and coordination of health promotion policies.
Functions of The Center for Disease Prevention and Control:
- to perform epidemiological surveillance and monitoring of infectious diseases, registration, investigation thereof, collection of statistical data on infectious diseases, to organize measures for prevention of infectious diseases and limiting the spread thereof;
- to participate in the management of emergencies and prevention of epidemic (pandemic) threats;
- to plan, coordinate and monitor implementation of the immunization program, to plan vaccination of the population, to compile vaccine orders by bodies responsible for vaccination and prepare vaccine orders for medicinal product wholesalers, to provide vaccination monitoring and preparation of statistical data, to perform epidemiological investigation of cases of vaccination related complications;
- to establish and develop a national information and monitoring systems for HIV, HBV, HCV and other infections and coordinate the operation of the referred-to system;
- to organize storage, inventory and distribution of immunobiological preparations to medical treatment institutions;
- to cooperate with State and local government authorities, non-governmental organizations, individuals and international authorities in the field of epidemiological safety by providing exchange of information and experience, training and implementation of joint projects;
- to ensure cooperation with the World Health Organization, the European Commission, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and public health authorities of other countries in the epidemiological surveillance issues of infectious diseases and other epidemiological safety issues, to provide maintenance of the functioning of the Early Warning and Response System and its coordination in the State;
- to develop methodological recommendations and provide methodological support to medical treatment institutions, local governments and other authorities in the field of epidemiological safety;
- to acquire, compile, process and analyse statistical information on public health and health care;
- to perform the public health monitoring;
- to ensure the function of the State specialised centre for the membership in the European information network on drugs and drug addiction (Reitox) maintained by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction;
- to exchange information about risk-assessment and control of new psychoactive substances, to ensure the information exchange between the State specialized centre and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction on the production, illicit trafficking and use of new psychoactive substances and preparations containing new psychoactive substances;
- monitor non-infectious diseases, as well as to evaluate the environmental factors which may affect the health of the population.
LISER is a Luxembourgish public research institute under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Its research focus lies in the field of social and economic policy including the spatial dimension. This comprises topics like poverty, inequality, education, social inclusion, employment, unemployment, health, housing, mobility, and regional convergence. The aim is to improve the understanding of causal relationships and to provide sound evidence for the impact of institutional settings and policy options on outcomes. Based on empirical evidence, the Institute wants to provide well-grounded and clear-cut answers to policy relevant questions. The results are published in form of research reports, monographs and scientific articles.
The research activities of the Institute are carried out by three research departments labelled “Labor Market”, “Living Conditions”, and “Urban Development and Mobility”. In addition, the survey and data center team is in charge of data collection through face-to-face and online surveys, research in survey methodology and survey statistics, as well as creation and management of databases in social sciences.
The Institute employs 138 people, of whom 72 are researchers and PhD candidates. The research team is representing a high degree of interdisciplinarity and includes demographers, economists, geographers, legal experts, political scientists, psychologists, social scientists, and statisticians.
RIVM works to prevent and control outbreaks of infectious diseases. It promotes public health and consumer safety, and helps to protect the quality of the environment. RIVM collects and collates knowledge and information from various sources, both national and international. It applies this knowledge itself, and places it at the disposal of policy-makers, researchers, regulatory authorities and the general public. Each year, RIVM produces numerous reports on all aspects of public health, nutrition and diet, health care, disaster management, nature and the environment.
Pharos is the national centre of expertise on health disparities/equity. Its expertise focuses on
- Sustainable improvement of the quality, effectiveness and accessibility of care and prevention for people with limited health literacy, migrants and refugees.
- Reducing health disparities that exist between different groups of people.
- Exhange of knowledge and expertise with other health organisations in Europe is essential in the approach of health disparities/equity and prevention.
The Trimbos Institute contributes to the improvement of mental health by sharing knowledge. The Trimbos Institute seeks to enhance the quality of life of the population by engaging in the development and application of knowledge about mental health, addictions, and associated physical illnesses, both in the Netherlands and abroad. At the heart of all the work done by the Trimbos Institute is the desire to improve individual lives, the quality of care and quality of policies that impact care delivery.
The work of the Trimbos Institute encompasses mental health problems and addictions for persons between – 9 months and 90 + years old and also include interventions targeted at environmental influences, informal caregivers, and family members.
The work of the Trimbos Institute is primarily geared towards the general population through monitoring and health promotion efforts. Trimbos also works with and for specific target groups or at-risk groups, the main five areas are common mental health problems, severe and enduring mental ill health, tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
Specific activities of the Trimbos Institute are:
- to detect and monitor mental health problems and addictions through (international) large-scale epidemiological and monitoring efforts in order to keep policymakers, politicians, health professionals and service users informed about the mental health of Dutch and international populations;
- to develop new offline and online treatment methods, quality standards, practice guidelines, health interventions and disease prevention programs;
- to assess and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of mental health and addiction services in the Netherlands and abroad;
- to provide training and professional development resources to a wide range of audiences across sectors at the local, national and international level;
- to promote public health education about mental health problems, substance use, and addiction; and
- to encourage knowledge sharing and exchange by facilitating contacts between organisations and individuals at local, national and global levels.
The Norwegian Directorate of Health aims to better the quality in the health service and to promote factors that bring good health to the population.
The Directorate of Health aims to improve the health of the citizens and the community as a whole through targeted activities across services, sectors and administrative levels. The Directorate does so by virtue of its role as a executive agency, as a regulatory authority and as an implementing authority in areas of health policy. The directorate is an executive agency and professional authority under the Ministry of Health and Care Services.
The National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene (NIPH-NIH) is the main governmental public health research institute and the reference centre for the national network of sanitary epidemiological service. It cooperates with public health centres at provincial level and other medical research institutes and institutions in Poland and abroad.
NIPH-NIH, which is the oldest public health institution in Poland, was created just a few days after the proclamation of the independence of Poland, on 21 November 1918. Together with changes in health and political situation and the development of medical science, the Institute’s functions were also evolving. It has always, however, been performing activities, of a practical and intervention as well as scientific and training nature, in several domains of public health.
The National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge (Ricardo Jorge Institute) is a public body integrated in the indirect administration of the State, under the tutelage of the Ministry of Health, endowed with scientific, technical, administrative, financial autonomy and its own patrion.
The Ricardo Jorge Institute is organized, in technical-scientific terms, in six major departments:
- Department of Food and Nutrition;
- Department of Infectious Diseases;
- Department of Epidemiology;
- Department of Human Genetics;
- Department of Health Promotion and Prevention of Non-communicable diseases;
- Department of Environmental Health.
Scotland / United Kingdom
Public Health Scotland is the national agency for improving Scotland’s health. We are a ‘special health board’ part of the structure of the National Health Service in Scotland and our strategic objectives are to:
- enhance understanding of Scotland’s health and how to improve it
- contribute our expertise to policy-makers
- lead the delivery of health improvement programmes
- disseminate evidence, learning and good practice
- establish practical arrangements for working with NHS Boards and other key partners
Our staff are drawn from a broad range of professional backgrounds. These include: health promotion, public health, medicine, nursing, the behavioural sciences, research specialists, training managers, topic specialists, health information specialists, librarians, information managers, publishing specialists, graphic designers, advertising and PR professionals, project managers, administrators, HR managers and finance managers.
The organisation has four directorates:
It is made up of four directorates:
- Data and Digital Innovation
- Place and Wellbeing
- Clinical and Protecting Health
- Strategy, Governance and Performance
NHS Health Scotland also includes the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives. Together we provide professional leadership and support for specific aspects of the health improvement effort in Scotland.
The Ministry is the central government body for
- healthcare
- health
- public health insurance,
- further training of healthcare professionals,
- natural healing baths, natural healing resources, natural mineral waters,
- pricing policy on prices of products, services and services in health care and on prices for renting non-residential premises in healthcare facilities,
- control of the prohibition of biological weapons.
The National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia is a government agency accountable and responsible for public health promotion at the national level.
The National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia is interested in the following work areas: Alcohol, Child Health, Communicable Diseases, Drugs and substance Abuse, Environmental Health, Food Policy, gender, Health Impact Assessment, Health Systems, HIV/AIDS and Sexual Health, Mental Health, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Tobacco.
In the context of the project ‘Capacity Building for health promotion in Central and Eastern Europe’, the institute elaborated a brief profile of the situation with respect to health promotion in Slovenia: Health promotion in Slovenia as well a Capacity Plan for health promotion.
The Regional Ministry of Health and Consumers of Andalusia (CSJA) is responsible for public health, health policy, planning and regulation, healthcare management and provision in Andalusia, as well as the leadership of the Andalusian Public Healthcare System (APHS).
The Department of Health, Basque Government performs the following functions:
- The preparation of the proposals for health objectives of the Basque Health Plan
- The development, implementation and evaluation of health protection policies related to food health, both in aspects of food security and healthy eating, and enviornmental health, including among other areas drinking water and bathing water.
- Surveillance and epidemiological analysis of health and its determinants, as well as the incidence of diseases and their distribution in different population groups.
- The prevention of diseases and the promotion of health through the design and execution of vertical programs or the incorporation of actions in care services aimed at these objectives.
The Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of Valencia Community, Fisabio, is a non-profit scientific and healthcare entity, whose primary purpose is to encourage, to promote and to develop scientific and technical health and biomedical research in Valencia Region.
Fisabio integrates and manages the Health Research Map of the Centre for Public Health Research, Dr. Peset University Hospital Foundation, Alicante University General Hospital Foundation, Elche University General Hospital Foundation, and the Mediterranean Ophthalmological Foundation. In addition, it assumes the scientific activity of other 18 Health Departments.
Fisabio provides service to more than 1,500 healthcare professionals within the Valencia network, who are specialists working in research projects and clinical trials managed by the Foundation.
From July 2013, Fisabio also provides Ophthalmological Assistance, a service which, up till now, was being carried out by the Ophthalmology Mediterranean Foundation (FOM).
Among Fisabio's main objectives are:
- To facilitate, promote, develop and execute research according to existing research plans in the Valencia Department of Health.
- To act as scientific and technical research and innovation driving agent, providing the necessary basis to promote interaction between research teams located in Universities, Hospitals, the Scientific Research Council and other similar institutions.
- To facilitate and promote the training of professionals and researchers within the Health field.
To perform and promote all type of studies that generate knowledge in the field of health care and health in general. - To cooperate and develop healthcare activities.
The Public Health Agency of Sweden is a government agency accountable to the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and has a national responsibility for public health issues.
The agency was established on January 1, 2014 and is a merger of the Swedish National Institute of Public Health and the Swedish Institute for Communicable Diseases. Most of work concerning environmental health at the National Board of Health and Welfare was also transferred to the new agency.
The aim of the agency is to develop a national knowledge support thereby promoting public health practice in society and making it more effective. The main tasks are to identify and highlight public health issues where effective interventions can be made and to secure preconditions for health on equal terms by monitoring the development of public health and analyzing the effect of important determinants. The agency will also monitor the development of public health interventions, promote health and prevent diseases and support communicable disease control.
Wales / United Kingdom
Public Health Wales was established as an NHS Trust on 1 October 2009.
Public Health Wales has four statutory functions:
- To provide and manage a range of public health, health protection, healthcare improvement, health advisory, child protection and microbiological laboratory services and services relating to the surveillance, prevention and control of communicable diseases;
- To develop and maintain arrangements for making information about matters related to the protection and improvement of health in Wales available to the public; to undertake and commission research into such matters and to contribute to the provision and development of training in such matters;
- To undertake the systematic collection, analysis and dissemination of information about the health of the people of Wales in particular including cancer incidence, mortality and survival; and prevalence of congenital anomalies; and
- To provide, manage, monitor, evaluate and conduct research into screening of health conditions and screening of health related matters.
Research Associate Members
The Antwerp Health Law and Ethics Chair (AHLEC) is a research consortium on health law and bioethics hosted at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.
AHLEC brings together experts in health law and bioethics from all Belgian universities, and collaborates closely with medical professionals from university and regional hospitals, researchers in medical sociology, the Council of the Belgian Medical Association, major health law firms, and Flemish and Belgian public health authorities.
AHLEC offers expertise in many topics at the intersection of health law and bioethics (mainly from the Belgian perspective), especially with the aim to reduce health inequities and improve access to healthcare while safeguarding patient and human rights.
The Health Services Research Centre (EKYPY) consists of academics, researchers and scholars with many years of experience and research interest in the fields of health services and social protection. Combining knowledge and experience our organization is able to provide services related to research and consulting in the field.
- The purpose of the Cyprus Health Services Research Centre is:
to study the health care systems and their reforms. - bring new ideas and frameworks for understanding and tackling public health problems.
- answer key questions about how health care works and how it can be made better, fairer, more accessible, and available to those who need it most.
- create synergies in the healthcare research sector by providing a common platform for the healthcare and healthcare research community.
The Centre has expertise in Health and Social Care Research and Training with collaborations with Universities at a national level and European level.
England / United Kingdom
The University of Brighton has been part of the city of Brighton & Hove since 1859, starting as a school of art in the kitchens of the Royal Pavilion and growing to become the diverse and inclusive institution it is today.
The CDRG conducts research on the effects of unhealthy commodities, and on the tactics used by their manufacturers. It also researches the misinformation strategies used by harmful industries. Their research includes:
- Corporate/commercial tactics to influence on policy/practice/science, including the use of misinformation
- Analysis/evaluation of the effects of commercial activities, campaigns and products (on health but also on other outcomes – e.g. policymaking, guidelines)
- Conflicts of interest
- Application of methodological approaches e.g. discourse analysis; and
- Systems thinking in research on commercial determinants
The InFLAMES Research Flagship brings together over 400 researchers from the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University with stakeholders in the business and public health sectors, including biotech and pharmaceutical companies. InFLAMES is a truly multidisciplinary flagship with diverse expertise in social sciences and humanities, health economics, medical ethics, and applied mathematics, in addition to medicine, biomedicine, chemistry, tissue engineering, drug development, and epidemiology. It is Finland’s strongest cluster of immunological expertise that enhances health by translating immunology research into practical solutions for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases and cancer.
InFLAMES advances preventive healthcare, early diagnostics, and personalized more effective treatments, thereby reducing unnecessary care and supporting sustainable healthcare. Moreover, InFLAMES promotes evidence-based policies and health equity across Europe by leveraging our immunology expertise to influence policy and foster cross-sectoral partnerships for better health outcomes.
The Centre for Health and Society (chs) is one of the research focus areas of the Medical Faculty at our university. It leads the first master of public health programme in Germany (founded in 1990) and is one of the five big German academic public health centres (consisting of 13 full professorships and in total 150 employees). The chs wants to extend its international cooperations and contacts by actively contributing to international research proposals, and is interested to promote its translational capacities into policy and practice as a third mission in the university. In addition, our research foci in the chs (health inequalities, complex public health interventions, health services research, child and adolescent health, health at the workplace, ethics in public health)
The German Alliance for Climate Change and Health (KLUG) has a mission to raise awareness of the significant health impacts of the climate crisis and to empower healthcare professionals to become actors in the necessary transformation towards a climate-neutral society in which we can live healthily.
The KLUG advise the German federal government, states, municipalities and stakeholders within the healthcare system on climate protection and climate change adaptation, to introduce climate content into the training and further education of healthcare professionals and network stakeholders across the board throughout society.
Comunità di Venezia and Casa Aurora are non-profit organizations based in Venice. Casa Aurora is a residential rehabilitation service that takes care of mothers with mental health problems, drug-dependent pregnant women and drug addict mothers with children. We have been working in the field of addiction, mental health disease and gender issues for thirty years. In addition to therapeutic and rehabilitation activities, Comunità di Venezia has carried out a series of researches on addiction problems, mental health problems related to gender identity and issues related to intergenerational transmission of psychopathological problems and styles of emotional attachment.
LINKS has been working for almost 20 years at national and international level and was formed by merging two historical research Institutes, the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB) and the Istituto per i Sistemi Territoriali Innovativi (SiTI). Thanks to the cooperation of more than 160 researchers the Foundation oversees technical-scientific disciplines in digital technology and regional development such as: Artificial Intelligence, connected systems and IoT, cybersecurity, advanced calculation systems, satellite systems. All this is then applied to make innovative projects in many application fields: industry 4.0, Intelligent Mobility, Agritech, Space Economy, Smart infrastructures, Cultural Heritage.
LINKS aims to promote, lead and bolster the innovation processes. We intend to do so through research projects with a strong innovation potential, able to create affect productive and public branches by confronting with an international context.
University of Trieste is a public research university in Trieste in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region in northeast Italy.
The main objectives of the University are scientific research and higher education, in order to promote the cultural, civil, social and economic development in the Italian Republic
Avans University of Applied Sciences was formed in 2004 as the result of a merger between Hogeschool Brabant and Hogeschool Den Bosch. These educational institutions were already working together closely at the time, operating under one Executive Board.
All departments together comprise the 21 Avans schools. This includes the University of Law Avans-Fontys.
At Avans, practice-based research is carried out at 6 centres of applied researchand over 25 research groups.
HAN University of Applied Sciences has 14 schools involved in education, research & practice. The schools work together with stakeholders from the region and search for and investigate sustainable solutions that are smart, green and social.
The School of Sport and Exercise offers education, training, and courses for professionals in sports, work, and health. It aims for a tightly connected triangle of education, research, and professional practice.
The Vitality expertise team is one of the expertise teams within the School of Sports and Exercise. It focuses on what makes people healthy, such as opportunities, dreams, and resources, rather than risks and problems. It does this by genuinely conversing with citizens, employees, clients, and students and being sensitive to context, other perspectives, and equal opportunities. The team also develops tools that enable the target group to master skills, enabling them to shape their active lifestyle and quality of life. READ MORE
Maastricht University’s Care and Public Health Research Institute (CAPHRI) aims to create a healthy society for everyone. Done so by performing high quality research to innovate in care and public health. Building a bridge between its research and society is its highest priority.
CAPHRI is organised along six thematic-oriented research lines in which researchers from different departments operate together in multidisciplinary teams. CAPHRI attracts top scientists from around the world and is known for its comprehensive PhD training programme for young talented scientists. CAPHRI values the quality of its research and has therefore its own quality assurance system, with a quality officer and guidelines for research conduct and auditing.
Radboud University Medical Center specializes in patient care, scientific research, teaching and training in Nijmegen. Its mission is to have a significant impact on health care. They aim to be pioneers in shaping the health care of the future and do this in a person-centered and innovative way.
Radboud university medical center cannot and does not aim to achieve these ambitions on its own. They are convinced of the strength of a sustainable collaborative network with hospitals, health-care centers and knowledge facilities, primary care professionals and other partners.
They are evolving from a university medical center into an academic medical network. Radboud university medical center is taking the lead in this network, which always starts with a joint vision and shared values, and with respect for everyone’s strengths, profile and identity.
In close consultation with this network, the Radboud university medical center will reach joint agreements on how to share and develop knowledge, expertise and facilities, make decisions on who can provide specific types of care, and how they can jointly add value for each patient.
They also share research and teaching responsibilities to the best of their ability. Demonstrably high quality and accessibility of care are the priorities in the networks. In this way, they can achieve their ultimate objective: providing the best and most sustainable care for all patients; close to the patient if possible, further away if necessary.
North Macedonia
The National Public Health Institute of the Republic of North Macedonia aims to promote healthy people in a healthy environment.
The institute is the leading national public health scientific institution in the country and teaches basis of the Medical Faculty for the subjects of public health: social medicine (including health promotion), environmental health, epidemiology and occupational medicine.
Its mission is the improvement of the population’s health through control and prevention of diseases, injuries and violence, at all. levels and in all environments, with key activities like health statistics, healthy lifestyle and diseases prevention, health promotion, Health Campaigns and cancer screening programs, Public Health Policy Development, Research in Public Health, Teaching and training, Environmental Health risk assessment, Communicable and noncommunicable diseases surveillance, Health Impact Assessment.
The Faculty of social sciences and technology management has eleven departments with all together around 240 employees in scientific positions. The research conducted at the Faculty spans across multiple disciplines. This broad academic spectrum allows cross-disciplinary collaboration and creative subject combinations, also including technology, engineering and natural sciences. At the faculty, and the university as a whole, health, welfare and technology is a strategic research area.
The faculty prioritizes research of high international quality, multi-disciplinary research and externally financed research, especially EU-financed research. The research is directed towards innovation and entrepreneurship.
OsloMet aspires to play a leading role as a provider of research-based knowledge related to the welfare state, in Norway and abroad.
Medical University of Silesia actively participates in the development of science through the development and dissemination of modern diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, the promotion of innovative solutions in medicine, and the creation of patient-friendly health care conditions.
Public health is one of the University’s priorities. Giving candidates the opportunity to gives candidates for studies the opportunity to choose education in one of five fields of
- occupational health and safety
- dietetics
- medical coordinator
- health risk management
- public health
Health For All (H4A) is the core mission statement of this group, which aims with its activities to contribute to making health a vital resource equally available to all individuals regardless of their personal, social and cultural backgrounds.
The general goal of H4A is to do reserach and develop interventions from a psychosocial approach to health, as defined by the World Health Organisation.
Since its onset, Egas Moniz – Cooperativa de Ensino Superior, C.R.L. has been a community of students, teachers and staff, whose mission is “dedicated to the advance in knowledge, learning and education of its students, at the service of improving health conditions for the global society in the 21st Century”. It has been for a long time now a benchmark institution in teaching health in Portugal.
Egas Moniz has been certified in accordance with the ISO 9001:2008 Standard since 2010 and it is the body that set up the Egas Moniz Higher Institute of Health Science (University) and the Egas Moniz Higher School of Health (Polytechnic) focusing on training health care professionals and likewise setting itself as a centre for social responsibility, heavily implanted in the local community through the provision of medical care.
As an academic institution, our activity is educational and scientific, and we are backed by a teaching body of over 400 highly qualified teachers, who take part in scientific research projects in partnership with national and foreign institutions.
The Andalusian School of Public Health is a collaborating center of the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization.
The School also works for professional societies, hospitals and regional health services throughout Spain as well as for third countries through projects of the European Union and the World Bank. Through its Teaching, Consulting and Research projects, the School integrates public health and management approaches, through which
- It generates new knowledge and disseminates it among members of health organisations.
- It develops a continuous process of updating knowledge in response to variations in social demands and the evolution of health systems.
- Identifies the relevant knowledge existing in organizations and the information flows necessary for its transmission.
- It creates spaces for the exchange and circulation of information and facilitates the transfer between the people who need it and those who generate it.
- Materialize knowledge by creating products, services and systems and implementing them in organisations.
The Public Health Department of the Balearic Islands is part of the Health Department of the Regional Government of the Balearic Islands.
The University of Laguna is a public institution of higher education, operating in autonomous status under the Constitution and public laws for the provision of higher education. Its activity is based on the principle of academic freedom, which is manifested in the freedom of teaching while ensuring the rights of free expression and dissemination of ideas, as well as the artistic creation, humanities, science and technology.
The Health and Life Science business area offers innovation infrastructure able to provide the best possible opportunities for businesses and the public sector to manage the journey of reform that is required for sustainability and competitiveness.
The business area focuses on five areas:
- Digital health: Explores and develops the application possibilities afforded by digitalisation in health and care, and Life Science in general.
- Future health and care: Supports the development of long-term sustainable health and care by, for example, shaping cross-sectoral collaborations between regions, municipalities, trade and industry, and civil society based on the needs of the individual.
- Infection control: Supports the capability of society and trade and industry to combat the propagation of resistant microorganisms.
- New therapies: Focuses on advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) and contributes to solutions to the challenges that researchers, doctors and companies face in their daily work with ATMP development.
- Preventative healthcare: Brings together researchers, social partners and industry in research and innovation projects with the aim of preventing disease and mental ill-health.
Wales / United Kingdom
Cardiff Metropolitan University’s research Centre for Health, Activity and Wellbeing Research (CAWR) aims to address some of society’s biggest challenges working towards improving the public health and wellbeing among people in communities in Wales and beyond.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2015) and the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act (2015) are paramount to CAWR’s focus, these specific areas of interest include:
- Prevention, treatment and management of non-communicable diseases (NCD’s)
- Physical inactivity
- Mental health and quality of life
- Physical health and its education across the lifespan
- Overweight/obesity
Policy Associate Members
The Health Services Research Centre (EKYPY) consists of academics, researchers and scholars with many years of experience and research interest in the fields of health services and social protection. Combining knowledge and experience our organization is able to provide services related to research and consulting in the field.
- The purpose of the Cyprus Health Services Research Centre is:
to study the health care systems and their reforms. - bring new ideas and frameworks for understanding and tackling public health problems.
- answer key questions about how health care works and how it can be made better, fairer, more accessible, and available to those who need it most.
- create synergies in the healthcare research sector by providing a common platform for the healthcare and healthcare research community.
The Centre has expertise in Health and Social Care Research and Training with collaborations with Universities at a national level and European level.
DEFACTUM is a department of research and consultancy within the Central Denmark Region, where it works with the Social & Health Service and the Labour Market. It strives to establish links between Research & development, Practice and Policy.
DEFACTUM Research and Consultancy aims to lead in applied research and development within social and health services and labour market issues. It is a part of the Central Denmark Region, one of five Danish administrative regions, politically-led by a regional council with elected politicians.
DEFACTUM contributes to the development of future welfare solutions in Denmark.
England / United Kingdom
The CDRG conducts research on the effects of unhealthy commodities, and on the tactics used by their manufacturers. It also researches the misinformation strategies used by harmful industries. Their research includes:
- Corporate/commercial tactics to influence on policy/practice/science, including the use of misinformation
- Analysis/evaluation of the effects of commercial activities, campaigns and products (on health but also on other outcomes – e.g. policymaking, guidelines)
- Conflicts of interest
- Application of methodological approaches e.g. discourse analysis; and
- Systems thinking in research on commercial determinants
The Council for Occupational Therapists for the European Countries (COTEC) is a non-profit organisation (NGO) and represents 33 European Occupational Therapy Associations and more than 215,000 Occupational Therapists. It was established in 1986 with the purpose of coordinating the views of the National Associations of Occupational Therapy in Europe. The aim of COTEC is to enable National Associations of Occupational Therapists to work together to develop, harmonise and improve standards of professional practice and advance the theory of Occupational Therapy throughout Europe to best address the social and health issues affecting European citizens. COTEC strives to make Occupational Therapy visible, valued, accessible and available for all European citizens by supporting its members and by collaborating on a European level. COTEC is a regional group of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT).
The InFLAMES Research Flagship brings together over 400 researchers from the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University with stakeholders in the business and public health sectors, including biotech and pharmaceutical companies. InFLAMES is a truly multidisciplinary flagship with diverse expertise in social sciences and humanities, health economics, medical ethics, and applied mathematics, in addition to medicine, biomedicine, chemistry, tissue engineering, drug development, and epidemiology. It is Finland’s strongest cluster of immunological expertise that enhances health by translating immunology research into practical solutions for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases and cancer.
InFLAMES advances preventive healthcare, early diagnostics, and personalized more effective treatments, thereby reducing unnecessary care and supporting sustainable healthcare. Moreover, InFLAMES promotes evidence-based policies and health equity across Europe by leveraging our immunology expertise to influence policy and foster cross-sectoral partnerships for better health outcomes.
The German Alliance for Climate Change and Health (KLUG) has a mission to raise awareness of the significant health impacts of the climate crisis and to empower healthcare professionals to become actors in the necessary transformation towards a climate-neutral society in which we can live healthily.
The KLUG advise the German federal government, states, municipalities and stakeholders within the healthcare system on climate protection and climate change adaptation, to introduce climate content into the training and further education of healthcare professionals and network stakeholders across the board throughout society.
The aim of de Nederlandse GGZ and its member organisations is to ensure the availability of high quality, accessible, affordable and sustainable mental health care in the Netherlands and in all Europe.
Mental health promotion and prevention of illness is of the utmost importance for a sustainable (mental) health care. De Nederlandse ggz strives for equality of mental and physical health promotion and prvention in European policies.
FNO is a Charity Fund in the Netherlands which funds projects through four different programmes. One of these programmes, the Healthy Future Nearby, has the objective of reducing health inequalities. This programme will run from 2015 to 2020 and subsidises projects that focus on an integrated approach to reducing health inequalities of less privileged families.
The Public Health Department of the Balearic Islands is part of the Health Department of the Regional Government of the Balearic Islands.
The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) joined EuroHealthNet as a partner in both PHASE and CIRI. The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, SALAR, is both an employers’ organisation and an organisation that represents and advocates for local government in Sweden. All of Sweden’s municipalities, county councils and regions are members of SALAR. SALAR represents and acts on their initiative. The mission for SALAR is to provide municipalities, county councils and regions with better conditions for local and regional self-government. The vision is to develop the welfare system and its services.
Wales / United Kingdom
Cardiff Metropolitan University’s research Centre for Health, Activity and Wellbeing Research (CAWR) aims to address some of society’s biggest challenges working towards improving the public health and wellbeing among people in communities in Wales and beyond.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2015) and the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act (2015) are paramount to CAWR’s focus, these specific areas of interest include:
- Prevention, treatment and management of non-communicable diseases (NCD’s)
- Physical inactivity
- Mental health and quality of life
- Physical health and its education across the lifespan
- Overweight/obesity
Practice Associate Members
The Danish Committee for Health Education is a national, non-profit organisation, that provides health information services – books, leaflets, posters, apps, workshops, reports, and much more.
The Committee is one of the largest publishers in Denmark – and one of a kind also. It is an explorer and bridgebuilder; willing to also investigate, innovate, and inspire.
Based in Copenhagen, the Committee for Health Education tries to connect people with knowledge and knowledge with people to make sure good research, ideas, and best practices are shared and used.
DEFACTUM is a department of research and consultancy within the Central Denmark Region, where it works with the Social & Health Service and the Labour Market. It strives to establish links between Research & development, Practice and Policy.
DEFACTUM Research and Consultancy aims to lead in applied research and development within social and health services and labour market issues. It is a part of the Central Denmark Region, one of five Danish administrative regions, politically-led by a regional council with elected politicians.
DEFACTUM contributes to the development of future welfare solutions in Denmark.
The Nordic Wellbeing Academy is a non-profit organisation working to foster interpersonal relations and wellbeing and health literate organisations. It offers consulting for individuals and organisations, builds and conducts educational concepts, builds and coordinates networks, and develops and runs national and international projects.
The academy organises knowledge-sharing networks on relational skills, recovery and rehabilitation, and social responsibility—all to transform mindsets and futures.
While the Nordic Wellbeing Academy is based in Denmark, it works with both Danish, Nordic, and European people, partners, and initiatives. It is engaged in European networks and initiatives like the Nordic Health 2030 Movement, the European Health Futures Forum, and the European Health Union Initiative.
England / United Kingdom
The CDRG conducts research on the effects of unhealthy commodities, and on the tactics used by their manufacturers. It also researches the misinformation strategies used by harmful industries. Their research includes:
- Corporate/commercial tactics to influence on policy/practice/science, including the use of misinformation
- Analysis/evaluation of the effects of commercial activities, campaigns and products (on health but also on other outcomes – e.g. policymaking, guidelines)
- Conflicts of interest
- Application of methodological approaches e.g. discourse analysis; and
- Systems thinking in research on commercial determinants
The Council for Occupational Therapists for the European Countries (COTEC) is a non-profit organisation (NGO) and represents 33 European Occupational Therapy Associations and more than 215,000 Occupational Therapists. It was established in 1986 with the purpose of coordinating the views of the National Associations of Occupational Therapy in Europe. The aim of COTEC is to enable National Associations of Occupational Therapists to work together to develop, harmonise and improve standards of professional practice and advance the theory of Occupational Therapy throughout Europe to best address the social and health issues affecting European citizens. COTEC strives to make Occupational Therapy visible, valued, accessible and available for all European citizens by supporting its members and by collaborating on a European level. COTEC is a regional group of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT).
EPHNA is the most important independent player in the field of nutrition communication in Europe. It makes effective use of the knowledge available in Europe for the purpose of communicating about healthy and sustainable nutrition, stimulating and supporting behavioural change among consumers and food suppliers. By doing so, it helps Europeans adopt healthy and sustainable dietary patterns.
As a member of EuroHealthNet, EPHNA works to put the topic of nutrition and healthy and sustainable food systems higher on the European Agenda. This is increasingly important, as our societies turn more and more obesogenic.
EPHNA’s members are national and regional centres responsible for education and communication on healthy, sustainable and/or safe nutrition in their country or region.
Special Olympics is a global sports and health organisation dedicated to children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Through programming in sports, health, education and community building, Special Olympics is tackling the inactivity, stigma, isolation, and health disparities that people with IDD face.
Its work goes far beyond sport events, we invest in a variety of health, fitness and well-being programs for Special Olympics athletes and all people with IDD including health screenings through our Healthy Athletes program, inclusive health and fitness programs on community level as well education and training for health care professionals, students, families, coaches, care givers and other stakeholders.
The InFLAMES Research Flagship brings together over 400 researchers from the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University with stakeholders in the business and public health sectors, including biotech and pharmaceutical companies. InFLAMES is a truly multidisciplinary flagship with diverse expertise in social sciences and humanities, health economics, medical ethics, and applied mathematics, in addition to medicine, biomedicine, chemistry, tissue engineering, drug development, and epidemiology. It is Finland’s strongest cluster of immunological expertise that enhances health by translating immunology research into practical solutions for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases and cancer.
InFLAMES advances preventive healthcare, early diagnostics, and personalized more effective treatments, thereby reducing unnecessary care and supporting sustainable healthcare. Moreover, InFLAMES promotes evidence-based policies and health equity across Europe by leveraging our immunology expertise to influence policy and foster cross-sectoral partnerships for better health outcomes.
The Centre for Health and Society (chs) is one of the research focus areas of the Medical Faculty at our university. It leads the first master of public health programme in Germany (founded in 1990) and is one of the five big German academic public health centres (consisting of 13 full professorships and in total 150 employees).
The chs wants to extend its international cooperations and contacts by actively contributing to international research proposals, and is interested to promote its translational capacities into policy and practice as a third mission in the university. In addition, our research foci in the chs (health inequalities, complex public health interventions, health services research, child and adolescent health, health at the workplace, ethics in public health)
Radboud University Medical Center specializes in patient care, scientific research, teaching and training in Nijmegen. Its mission is to have a significant impact on health care. They aim to be pioneers in shaping the health care of the future and do this in a person-centered and innovative way.
Radboud university medical center cannot and does not aim to achieve these ambitions on its own. They are convinced of the strength of a sustainable collaborative network with hospitals, health-care centers and knowledge facilities, primary care professionals and other partners.
They are evolving from a university medical center into an academic medical network. Radboud university medical center is taking the lead in this network, which always starts with a joint vision and shared values, and with respect for everyone’s strengths, profile and identity.
In close consultation with this network, the Radboud university medical center will reach joint agreements on how to share and develop knowledge, expertise and facilities, make decisions on who can provide specific types of care, and how they can jointly add value for each patient.
They also share research and teaching responsibilities to the best of their ability. Demonstrably high quality and accessibility of care are the priorities in the networks. In this way, they can achieve their ultimate objective: providing the best and most sustainable care for all patients; close to the patient if possible, further away if necessary.
Medical University of Silesia actively participates in the development of science through the development and dissemination of modern diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, the promotion of innovative solutions in medicine, and the creation of patient-friendly health care conditions.
Public health is one of the University’s priorities. Giving candidates the opportunity to gives candidates for studies the opportunity to choose education in one of five fields of
- occupational health and safety
- dietetics
- medical coordinator
- health risk management
- public health
Since 1951, the N. S. Bom Sucesso Foundation’s mission has been to promote health and human development. We provide special care to child and maternal health, ensuring a service of excellence regardless of the patients’ socio-economic status.
Our approach includes regular health screenings which enable the early detection and diagnosis of abnormalities, as well as the monitoring and treatment of most cases of identified diseases. It also includes health education activities, in order to provide each patient and family the necessary information for the adoption of healthy behaviors and lifestyles.
To stimulate child development through health promotion is critical for the human development. This is the vision that guides the Foundation to provide a model of healthcare services based on best practices of preventive medicine and nursing, acting prematurely, preventing and managing disease.
Since its onset, Egas Moniz – Cooperativa de Ensino Superior, C.R.L. has been a community of students, teachers and staff, whose mission is “dedicated to the advance in knowledge, learning and education of its students, at the service of improving health conditions for the global society in the 21st Century”. It has been for a long time now a benchmark institution in teaching health in Portugal.
Egas Moniz has been certified in accordance with the ISO 9001:2008 Standard since 2010 and it is the body that set up the Egas Moniz Higher Institute of Health Science (University) and the Egas Moniz Higher School of Health (Polytechnic) focusing on training health care professionals and likewise setting itself as a centre for social responsibility, heavily implanted in the local community through the provision of medical care.
As an academic institution, our activity is educational and scientific, and we are backed by a teaching body of over 400 highly qualified teachers, who take part in scientific research projects in partnership with national and foreign institutions.
The Public Health Department of the Balearic Islands is part of the Health Department of the Regional Government of the Balearic Islands.
The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) joined EuroHealthNet as a partner in both the Policy and Practice platforms. The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, SALAR, is both an employers’ organisation and an organisation that represents and advocates for local government in Sweden. All of Sweden’s municipalities, county councils and regions are members of SALAR. SALAR represents and acts on their initiative. The mission for SALAR is to provide municipalities, county councils and regions with better conditions for local and regional self-government. The vision is to develop the welfare system and its services.
Wales / United Kingdom
Cardiff Metropolitan University’s research Centre for Health, Activity and Wellbeing Research (CAWR) aims to address some of society’s biggest challenges working towards improving the public health and wellbeing among people in communities in Wales and beyond.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2015) and the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act (2015) are paramount to CAWR’s focus, these specific areas of interest include:
- Prevention, treatment and management of non-communicable diseases (NCD’s)
- Physical inactivity
- Mental health and quality of life
- Physical health and its education across the lifespan
- Overweight/obesity
The Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection is the ministry in charge of welfare policy in Austria.
The Federal Public Service (FPS) Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment was set up in 2001. Its competencies were transferred from :
- the former Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Environment
- the regionalized Ministry of Agriculture
The following scientific establishments are linked to the FPS and carry out research into policy-supporting matters or issue advisory reports :
- Sciensano, Federal Research Centre
- SHC, Superior Health Council
The Federal Agency for Food Chain Security is responsible for all verifications with regard to food safety.
England / United Kingdom
The Department of Health and Social Care are responsible for:
- supporting and advising our ministers: we help them shape and deliver policy that delivers the government’s objectives
- setting direction: we anticipate the future and lead debate ensuring we protect and improve global and domestic health
- accountability: we make sure the department and our arm’s length bodies deliver on our agreed plans and commitments
- acting as guardians of the health and care framework: we make sure the legislative, financial, administrative and policy frameworks are fit for purpose and work together
- troubleshooting: in the last resort, the public and Parliament expect us to take the action needed to resolve crucial and complex issues
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania is an institution that exercises executive powers, carries out State administration functions established by the laws and other legal acts in the health care sector, and implements State policy in the health care sector. Mission is to form and implement health policy that ensures public health, high quality health promotion activities, and rational use of resources.
The Public Health Regulation Department / Superintendence of Public Health is responsible to develop and implement strategies to promote and improve public health; issue standards for public health; licence health care service and diagnostic facilities; regulate health care professions; advise the Minister responsible for Health on matters regarding public health; ensure that the regulatory functions emanating from law are properly discharged and carry out any other function emanating from national legislation.
The Superintendent of Public Health gives direction to the directorates falling within the Superintendence of Public Health including the Environmental Health Directorate, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate and the Health Care standards Directorate.
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection is the central specialised body of public administration that ensures the implementation of governmental policies in the fields of health, labor, social protection and demography.
The National Institute of Public Health (INSP) provides technical assistance, including the provision of data, expertise and training, on public health to the Ministry of Health and its decentralized structures. The main goals of the INSP are oriented towards: a) prevention, surveillance and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases; b) monitoring of health status; c) promoting health and health education; d) assessment of occupational health; e) monitoring of health in relation to the environment; f) drafting of regulations in the field of public health; g) managing public health; h) development of specific public health services.
The public health NIHP’s profile as an institution aiming to deliver activities for prevention, surveillance and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases, health promotion and education for health is appropriately matching the tasks in the proposal.
The Ministry of Health of Ukraine is the central executive body of Ukraine in the field of healthcare. The Ministry of Health ensures the formation and implementation of the state policy in the field of healthcare, combating HIV/AIDS and other socially dangerous diseases. Its mission is to formulate and implement healthcare policy that ensures public health, quality and affordable medical care.
The Ministry ensures the formation and implementation of the state policy in the field of creation and quality control and sale of medicines, in the field of circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors, counteraction to their illicit trafficking, and also ensures the formation of the state policy in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. READ MORE