
The EuroHealthNet Partnership is made up of Members, Associate Members and Observers. Together, we advocate for policies that target the determinants of health, foster collaboration and cross-sectoral engagement and work to improve the sustainability of our health systems.

About Us >> Membership


Our membership covers most of Europe. Members are national and regional institutes, academic and research centres, national and regional authorities, as well as government departments and some civil society organisations. They operate networks in their communities made up of regional and local authorities, practitioners and professional bodies, civil society and not for profit organisations. Members also have wide communications and consultation links with wider stakeholders.

EuroHealthNet members are accountable public bodies with responsibilities and/or expertise in public health, health promotion, health inequalities, disease prevention, or other relevant fields.

Members are part of all three EuroHealthNet platforms, and enjoy additional core member services as well. They set the direction of the Partnership.


Meet our members

Associate members

Associate Members are universities, civil society organisations, and others. They are not necessarily statutory bodies, they identify with EuroHealthNet’s mission and take part in our work that is most relevant to them.

In addition, Associate Members can join one or more of the three platforms. They pay a reduced fee for the more limited services received. Associates have no voting or governance role.


Observers are mostly Ministries of Health. They play a specific, mutually agreed role. Observers join our partnership by invitation only. Their status is reviewed and granted on an annual basis by the General Council. Observers do not have a voting or governance role.

Research Associates
Policy Associates
Practice associates

What our members say about us

“EuroHealthNet is providing invaluable European insight, strengthening advocacy, cross-sector partnership and participatory governance for health. Our long-term membership has presented fantastic opportunities for collaborative work, sharing and learning on important topics, such as health equity, sustainable development and investment for health and wellbeing”

Dr Mariana Dyakova (Public Health Wales, WHO Collaborating Centre on Investment for Health and Wellbeing). 

“Once again, I would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to attend, and congratulate the EuroHealthNet team for the excellent organisation of the meeting.

I’m looking forward to the next event!”

Yannis Koutelidas (Communications and Press Office, Prolepsis)

Join us

As a EuroHealthNet member, you will be able to

  • Expand your expertise and network by participating in member-driven Country Exchange Visits. To examine how common issues are addressed in different national, regional, and local contexts.*
  • Build capacities for health promotion policies and interventions through workshops, seminars, webinars, and knowledge exchange activities.
  • Get opportunities to participate in European projects. Alongside EuroHealthNet and other members of the Partnership and receive support in project applications.
  • Lead or participate in ad hoc Thematic Working Groups (TWIGs) to develop joint actions with fellow experts in other countries.*
  • Amplify your institution’s messages and outputs in our newsletters, online magazine, and social media channels. Above all, through participation in our communications working group.*
  • Receive ‘Calls & Opportunities Alerts’. A members-only service that provides timely updates on relevant funding, policy consultation, collaboration and capacity building opportunities.*
  • Help set EuroHealthNet’s strategic direction, vote at General Council Meetings, and sit on the Executive Board.*
  • Benefit from our monitoring and expert analysis of EU policies affecting health and its determinants.
  • Engage in and help shape the EU policy and decision-making processes, for instance through policy consultations and joint statements.
  • Provide health expertise to critical frameworks for European coordination and governance. For instance frameworks such as the European Semester and the European Pillar of Social Rights.*
  • Profit from our Finance Support Desk and learn how to take advantage of European funding and technical support opportunities.*
  • Help shape the EU research agenda and stay informed of priorities within EU Framework Programmes, such as Horizon Europe.
  • Participate in EU platforms and build alliances, including with WHO Europe, civil society, and European networks.
  • Raise your visibility at major European events, such as the European Public Health Conference, and speak at EuroHealthNet events.
  • Organise placements at EuroHealthNet, allowing your staff to experience European public affairs first-hand, and use our office facilities for free.*

*Only available to members, not associate members

Enquire about Membership

And together we will be able to

  • Keep health equity and the determinants of health on the European agenda
  • Translate knowledge to policy makers and stakeholders and promote evidence-based decision making across Europe
  • Increase collaborations between European public health institutions to adapt to and tackle rising challenges of the 21st century
  • Address the ’causes of the causes’ through further cross-sectoral engagement and a Health in All Policies and sustainable development approach
  • Stimulate an inclusive partnership in which all members contribute according to their abilities and receive equal opportunities
  • Improve the sustainability of health systems through investment in health promotion and disease prevention across the life course

Contact us to find out more about the different ways of getting involved in EuroHealthNet.

Download our Membership Benefits Flyer (.pdf)

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