The COVID-19 pandemic is having far-reaching social, economic and political repercussions across the globe. Alongside the impacts on people’s physical health, it can also have profound effects on mental health and wellbeing, increasing anxiety, stress and depression. The exacerbation of pre-existing mental health issues, the greater impact on more vulnerable groups, and difficulties in accessing support and services all need to be urgently considered. Prevention and positive mental health promotion, as well as targeted support, are fundamental.

On Thursday 30 April between 11:00 – 12:00 CET, EuroHealthNet is organised a webinar on “Public sector responses to addressing mental health needs at population level of the COVID-19 crisis now and looking ahead – sharing of good practices and learnings”.

The webinar set out examples of initiatives which have been developed to meet mental health needs in relation to COVID-19, and provided an opportunity for EuroHealthNet members to discuss and exchange good practices and ideas on mental health promotion at regional and national level, as well as to raise any issues they are facing. It built on good practices already identified during a recent EuroHealthNet communications network meeting, and include a focus on the use of digital tools and on building community resilience.

The webinar also engaged members in looking ahead to the coming months, exchanging on possible mental health issues and how to address them, and identified useful learnings for the partnership going forwards. As a follow-up, . EuroHealthNet will also feed outcomes back to the European Commission, encouraging DG SANTE to develop a much-needed EU Mental Health Strategy, as well as DG EMPL to review the EU Framework for Occupational Health and Safety in the context of the changing world of work.

The webinar is the second in a series which EuroHealthNet is organising in the coming months. The webinars will focus on upcoming opportunities for members to have in say in EU policymaking, as well as responses to the COVID-19 crisis. More information on the full programme will be shared shortly.


Find the report of this webinar here.

Leggi e scarica l’adattamento in italiano del report del webinar (a cura di Dors)