EuroHealthNet webinar: Addressing psychosocial risks and supporting mental health of older workers: policy and practice in action
Date: 25 October 2022
Time: 14:00-15:30 CET online event (14:00-15:00 webinar + 15:00-15:30 online networking)
Find the full meeting report here.
The world of work is continuously changing and different aspects of employment affect various population groups in multiple positive, but also challenging ways. As we spend most of our lives “on a job” and our working lives become longer, it is not uncommon that workforce mental health and wellbeing are increasingly under strain. With a demographic change and the European workforce ageing rapidly, psychosocial health and wellbeing of the older working population must be protected and supported.
Promoting older people’s occupational mental health is key to ensuring equitable healthy and active ageing policies as it’s their right on its own, and it will also delay the need for care, preventing premature retirement and disability. However, knowledge and understanding of the issue and good practices and strategy on what works and how to bring it about among employers, practitioners and policymakers varies.
EuroHealthNet has launched a set of strategies for a healthier workplace for older workers to raise awareness and offer recommendations for policy makers and employers to create inclusive, supportive and healthy environment at work. With this webinar we aim to overview existing European policy frameworks in health, employment and social protection (1 hour), and allow for exchange of good practices in the networking session (30 minutes).
Webinar agenda
14.00 Welcome and introduction – Alison Maassen, Programme Manager, EuroHealthNet
14.05 Mental health at work in the EU – Dr. F. Jesus Alvarez Hidalgo, Policy Officer, Health and Safety at Work unit DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
14.15 Pan-European Mental Health Coalition and focus on work and equity (.ppt) – WHO Europe Mental Health at Workplace Guidelines – Jason Maurer, Mental Health Communication, WHO Regional Office for Europe
14.25 Mental health and ageing – friend or foe? What’s at stake? (.ppt) – Sarah Loriato, Policy Officer on Employment and Participation, AGE Platform Europe
14.35 Occupational Psychosocial Risks and Mental Health of Older Workers – Pathways to Progress (.ppt) – Dorota Sienkiewicz, Policy Manager, EuroHealthNet
14.50 Q&A with the audience
Networking session (30 minutes)
15.00 Open space to exchange and showcase your effective equity-focused programmes, strategies, policies and/or interventions, ideally with collaboration from public or private employment sectors
15.30 End of meeting