An overview of EU funding and tools available to deal with consequences of war in Ukraine
In response to the Russian/Ukrainian war, the European Council adopted conclusions condemning Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine and put forward a number of actions. This EuroHealthNet briefing provides an overview of these actions, as well as more information about the funding support within EU programmes, and the Temporary Protection Directive.
The funding mechanisms that are covered in the briefing are:
- The Cohesion’s Action for Refugees in Europe (CARE) proposal for legal amendments to the regulation of European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF), European Social Fund (ESF) and the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived Regulation (FEAD). In particular, CARE introduces changes to cohesion policy rules to support Member States accessing funding to help people fleeing Ukraine.
- Recovery Assistance Cohesion Territories of Europe – (REACT-EU) can be used to top up other fundings to allow and facilitate quick allocation of funding when needed. Around €10 billion from the 2022 REACT-EU funds is readily available and can also be used to finance actions to support in the Ukraine crisis.
- The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) is a €9.9 billion fund for the period 2021-2027. The Fund aims to support national capacities and improve procedures for migration management, as well as to enhance solidarity and responsibility-sharing between Member States, in particular through emergency assistance and the relocation mechanism. The Commission has also proposed to prolong the implementation period for the money available to Member States under the 2014-2020 Home Affairs funds, which would release around €420 million in additional support to the Ukraine crisis
The briefing also describes the Temporary Protection Directive. This is an emergency tool that can be activated in the EU to alleviate regulation in migration policies during war emergencies. The tool was adopted in 2001 and it activated for the first time in response to the Ukraine crisis.