Best-ReMaP: Health food for a healthy future
Best-ReMaP is a Europe-wide Joint Action that seeks to contribute to the creation of an environment that ensures healthy food for a healthy future by helping to improve the quality of food supplied to citizens of Europe. It is funded by the European Union’s Health Programme, and implemented by 36 partners in 24 EU Member States, and delivered via collaborative work of seven pan-European teams.
Best-ReMaP facilitates the exchange and testing of good practices concerning:
- The monitoring and analysis of how the food that people consume changes at the European and national level,
- The regulations on the marketing of food and beverages to children,
- The procurement of food by public bodies for educational institutions, social care facilities.
EuroHealthNet is supporting the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) in Work Package 4, namely the WP that aims to transfer and integrate results of the core WPs of this Joint Action into EU policies, thus responding to the call from several EU institutions and stakeholders for urgent and coordinated actions on food and nutrition systems in the EU, especially concerning the regulation and procurement of foods in educational and institutional premises, food reformulation and advertisement policies and practice. The main objective of WP4 concerns convening policy dialogues at the EU level, supported by the findings of other core WPs to suggest modifications to the existing food policies, and to make participation in policy dialogues events more attractive for EU stakeholders