Communication on Digital transformation of health and care in the context of the Digital Single Market
EuroHealthNet welcomes the consultation towards a Roadmap for the EC Communication on this subject. The collaboration between DGs CONNECT and SANTE is particularly important; however this should be extended to ensure cohesion with other relevant DGs and EU
instruments such as the EU Semester processes and the potential EU Pillar of Social Rights. Mention of the need to address health inequalities is welcome; however this is potentially both a key positive and negative factor and should be more prominent. Since the 2009 Communication Solidarity in Health it is increasingly recognised that health inequalities cost EU governments significantly: they reduce people’s ability to contribute to society, undermine economic growth and prosperity, and increase health, social care and wider public expenditures.
Digital technologies do offer new opportunities to transform health care systems, including new approaches to personalised prevention, treatments and care, independent living, integrated health and social care, accelerated scientific progress for early diagnosis and prevention of diseases. However, there are significant risks and obstacles of inequitable implementation including safety, access, effectiveness and authority.
Read EuroHealthNets feedback here.