COP28: Open letter demanding increased prominence and action on air pollution for a healthier and greener future for all
EuroHealthNet has signed an open letter to the COP28 Presidency and Health Ministerial group coordinated by the Clean Air Fund. Signed by 47 organisations, the letter calls to increase prominence and action on air pollution as a way of tackling the climate emergency while delivering rapid win-wins for public health and economies.
Air pollution is a pervasive public health crisis and an accelerator of climate change. 99% of the world’s population breathes air that fails to meet WHO guidelines, and disadvantaged groups suffer the worst consequences. The main drivers of air pollution are also sources of greenhouse gases, the largest culprit being the continuing combustion of fossil fuels.
In the open letter, signatories call for comprehensive air quality monitoring to map progress towards WHO Air Quality Guideline levels, and advocate for legislative measure to improve air quality for families, and communities and to further build public support for climate action.
Health and climate are two sides of the same coin. Air pollution is both a public health and climate crisis and we call for concrete action for a healthier and greener future for all.
Read the full letter here.