CultureForHealth project Roundtable and Study Visit: Arts in Health Prevention and Promotion
From the 15th – 18th of May 2022, practitioners, researchers and policy-makers of arts and health from all over Europe are invited to Bologna, Italy, for a study trip, as part of the project CultureForHealth. The study trip to Bologna is hosted by CultureForHealth project partner Trans Europe Halles and is the second out of three trips held in 2022.
Participants will be encouraged to join the ‘Par Tot Parata: Culture for community well-being’, a parade which is a cultural happening aiming to support the social and relational well-being of children, young people and their adults in Bologna.
From Monday the 16th to Tuesday the 17th May, a policy workshop will be held focussing on the theme of “Promotion and Prevention”. The main aim of the policy discussion is to raise awareness and understanding of culture and arts interventions for health and well-being and to highlight the need for policy decisions that support these practices.
For more information and to view the agenda visit the event page.