DG Regio Launch meeting of the Group of experts setting up the Dialogue with partners at Union level in the field of the funds established by the Common Provisions Regulation 2021-2027
EuroHealthNet representative Lina Papartye will attend the DG Regio Launch meeting on the 7th of December 2021.
The dialogue with the partners defined in the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) will continue during the 2021-2027 programming period. The Commission shall consult organisations which represent partners at Union level on the implementation of programmes.
7 December 2021 09:00 – 17:30
Agenda for meeting 1
09:00-9:15 Welcome and introduction
9:15 – 9:30 Procedural aspects: rules for the meeting present the structure of the group, adopt Rules of Procedure
09:30-11:00 Commissioner Ferreira Opening Statement + Q&A session The 2021-2027 programming and the contributions of partners
11:15-12:00 Role and framework for partnership including specific fora i.e. Community of Practice, Just Transition Platform
Q&A session
12:00 – 12:45 State of play on programming and involvement of partners
Q&A session
14:30-16:30 Lessons learnt and experience of partners on the European Code of Conduct on Partnership
Interactive workshops based on participants input (World Café format based on guiding questions) followed by a plenary discussion
- Preparation at the level of partners, effective ways of organising input from partners
- Possible areas for a change
16:30-17:00 Recent developments on the Cohesion Open Data Platform: (2021-2027 allocations, EU Gender Monitor 2021, Plans for 2021)
Q&A session
17:00-17:30 AOB and closing remarks
Find out more here.