DRIVERS (2012-2015)
DRIVERS was a three-year research project funded by the 7th Framework programme aiming to find links and best ways to tackle health equity through policy and practice in early childhood development, employment and working conditions, and income and social protection. EuroHealthNet was also researching the best methodologies for effective advocacy and knowledge transfer and translation.
The most important resources that came forth from this project were:
- Goldblatt P, Siegrist J, Lundberg O, Marinetti C, Farrer L & Costongs C (2015). Improving health equity through action across the life course: Summary of evidence and recommendations from the DRIVERS project. This document was translated to German, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, Spanish, Dutch, Finnish, and French.
- Pikhart H, Ruiz M, Morrison J, Goldblatt P & Marmot M (2014). DRIVERS final scientific report: Inequities in early childhood health and development, evidence and policy implications
- Siegrist J, Montano D & Hoven H (2014). DRIVERS final scientific report: Working conditions and health inequalities, evidence and policy implications.
- Lundberg O, Åberg Yngwe M, Bergqvist K & Sjöberg O (2014). DRIVERS final scientific report: The role of income and social protection for inequalities in health, evidence and policy implications.
- Farrer L, Marinetti C, Kuipers Y & Costongs C (2015). Advocacy for health equity: A synthesis review. In: Milbank Quarterly. DOI: 10.1111/1468-0009.12112.
Policy briefs
- Early childhood development. (Also available in Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Spanish)
- Fair employment. (Also available in Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Spanish)
- Social protection. (Also available in Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Spanish)
Advocacy and lobbying
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