EuroHealthNet calls on EU ministers to think big(ger)
Regular "Jumbo" EPSCO-ECFIN Council should include health ministers
Tomorrow, for the first time in 25 years, European ministers for employment and social affairs (EPSCO) and economic and finance ministers (ECFIN) will convene for a joint EU Council meeting.
EuroHealthNet applauds the Belgian EU Presidency for organising this so-called "Jumbo" Council meeting. However, as laid out in its priorities for the 2024–2029 EU policy landscape, EuroHealthNet recommends to not only make these EPSCO-ECFIN Council meetings regular, but to include health ministers as well.
“The Jumbo Council is a first step in the right direction to overcome siloed responses to complex economic, social, climate, and health challenges. Topics such as the Wellbeing Economy, investments in health and social inclusion, and achieving a fair digital and green transition need cross-sectoral solutions.”
Caroline Costongs,
Director at EuroHealthNet
EuroHealthNet has high expectations regarding tomorrow’s Jumbo Council discussion focusing on social investments and reforms for resilient economies. Health inequalities in the EU have risen after the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a widening of the gap in life expectancy. Rising levels of chronic diseases and mental health problems are preventing people from taking part in the labour market, which in turn puts pressure on the economy.
Health and wellbeing are, however, a political choice, fundamentally determined by social factors such as income, employment, education, housing, and living spaces. Policy interventions that address these determinants of health and support people to develop their full potential rely heavily on investments.
Evidence shows that while health promotion and disease prevention yield a positive return on investment for communities and economies, EU member states on average allocate only 2–4% of their total health sector spending to these activities.
EuroHealthNet has long advocated for the Economy of Wellbeing approach, in which investments in health, social equity, and wellbeing go hand in hand with sustainable economic growth.
"Social investments should cover people's physical and mental health, address the high burden of chronic diseases, facilitate improved cooperation between health and social sector services, and enable workers with health challenges to thrive at work. The return on such investments will be considerable."
Suzanne Costello,
President at EuroHealthNet and CEO of the Public Health Institute Ireland
For this to happen, political will, trust in the institutions, and the participation of communities are essential.
EuroHealthNet’s input towards the Declaration on the Future of Social Europe
Consequently, EuroHealthNet firmly supports the Belgian Presidency’s initiative to adopt an Interinstitutional Declaration on the Future of Social Europe at next month’s High-Level Conference on the European Pillar of Social Rights in La Hulpe. The Declaration will set out the EU’s social agenda for the 2024–2029 period and reconfirm the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) as its social compass.
EuroHealthNet considers the Social Pillar to be a European Pillar for Public Health. Each of its principles can be used to address determinants of health, as demonstrated by our EPSR Flashcard Tool.
By launching EuroHealthNet’s input towards the Interinstitutional Declaration on the Future of Social Europe today, we aim to further overcome the silos between the health and social sectors, strengthen the European Pillar of Social Rights beyond 2024, and achieve a Wellbeing Economy in the EU that benefits people and the planet and ensures peace, human dignity, equal opportunities, and fairness.
Related resources
Improving health equity in Europe
Priorities for the 2024-2029 EU policy landscape
European Pillar of Social Rights Flashcard Tool
A guide for public health professionals and decision-makers
An Economy of Wellbeing for Health Equity
Fostering a transition towards healthier, more inclusive, and sustainable societies