EuroHealthNet Conference – Unlocking the Potential of the European Semester: Achieving a Wellbeing Economy through Participatory Societies
Brussels | 7 December 2023 14:00 – 18:00
Room JDE62 Rue Belliard 99/101, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium
Read event report
Amidst interconnected global crises that have escalated in recent years, the European Union is facing numerous challenges and threats to its societies, economies, and democratic values. These challenges particularly impact on people in vulnerable situations, resulting in widening social and health inequalities. We need comprehensive responses and forward-looking socio-economic policies that place people and the planet at their core. As we come closer to the 2024 EU institutional renewal, exploring the potential of directions for alternative policy solutions in the EU will play a pivotal role.
The concept of a ‘Wellbeing Economy’ promotes an economy that benefits all people as well as the planet, and ensures human dignity and fairness. It underscores the importance of collaboration across multiple sectors and participatory approaches to build stronger and more inclusive societies, ready to withstand current and future challenges. By integrating the ‘Wellbeing Economy’ into its socio-economic policies, particularly within the framework of the European Semester, the EU could transition towards a systems thinking governance considering not just the economic, but also natural, human and social assets.
EuroHealthNet and the European Economic and Social Committee will host a dedicated event to discuss ways to unlock the potential of the European Semester and achieve a ‘Wellbeing Economy’ through participatory societies.
- Event report
- Links to conference PowerPoints:
- Setting the scene: The concept of a ‘Wellbeing Economy, Vania Putatti, Policy Coordinator at EuroHealthNet
- The European Semester from a social perspective, Katia Berti, Head of Unit ‘Employment and social aspects of the European Semester’, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
- Did the European Semester become more suitable to reduce health inequalities?, Dirk Van den Steen, Deputy Head of Unit ‘State of Health, European Semester, Health Technology Assessment’, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission
- Participatory processes and their importance for fostering a Wellbeing Economy in the European Semester, Krzysztof Balon, Member of the EESC and rapporteur on the own-initiative opinion of the EESC on co-creation of services of general interest as a contribution to a more participative democracy in the EU
- Policy paper: How to achieve an Economy of Wellbeing with the support of the European Semester?
- An overview of EuroHealthNet’s work on the European Semester from a health perspective
- Policy Précis: the Economy of Wellbeing from a health equity perspective
- EuroHealthNet’s priorities for the 2024-2029 EU policy landscape