EuroHealthNet gives feedback to the European Commission’s Roadmap “2020 Strategic Foresight Report”
EuroHealthNet provided feedback on the EC Strategic Foresight exercise, which aimed to identify strategic areas where “policy, research and technological developments are most likely to drive societal, economic and environmental change”. Being part of a larger ongoing exercise in the European Union, it’s aim was to help refocus the EU and support its Member States’ efforts towards “future-proofing our policies” to promote more effective response to emerging challenges and opportunities, better linking policies in different areas so they work towards common long-term objectives and re-engage with citizens on Europe’s future. EuroHealthNet welcomed the opportunity to provide input to the Commission’s strategic thinking by responding to the Roadmap on the subject. Anticipating a severe economic and social recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, EuroHealthNet advocated for prominent roles for health promotion, disease prevention and decreasing health inequalities in the EU’s response.