EuroHealthNet input to the EU Roadmap consultation on EU farm and food product promotion
EuroHealthNet welcomes the EC’s commitment to review the EU promotion policy for agricultural products. We strongly support a comprehensive, ambitious, and truly transformative transition to European food systems that put public and planetary health, sustainability, and social equity at the centre. EU’s policy for the promotion of agricultural products should be no exception.
Today’s food systems are perpetuating and driving up health inequalities. To this end, a pivotal role for a modern, fit-for-purpose EU promotion policy for agricultural products will be in supporting food environments where “a healthy and sustainable choice is an easy choice” for all, and where the agricultural sector is sufficiently geared towards this transition in line with the EU Green Deal’s ambitions.
EuroHealthNet recommends the following:
- re-focus the policy scope on promotion and information measures.
- investigate using promotion funds to support “alternative” modes of agricultural production.
- review the conditionality and eligibility criteria.
- consider excluding certain sectors from promotional funds.
Find more information here.
The full feedback can be found here.