EuroHealthNet provides feedback to the EU on The Child Guarantee Targeted Consultations Questionnaire
EuroHealthNet replied to a questionnaire on the Child Guarantee Targeted Consultations. Following up to its Communication “A Strong Social Europe for Just Transitions”, the Commission will adopt a proposal for a Council Recommendation on a Child Guarantee in 2021. This survey provided the opportunity for feedback on what actions should be taken at EU level through the Child Guarantee, to ensure that Member States provide access for children in need to the services that are essential for their development and well-being, in particular early childhood education and care (ECEC), health care, education, nutrition, housing and participation in cultural and leisure.
Throughout its reply EuroHealthNet highlighted that it welcomes the EU’s reinforced measures to improve basic services for children through the Child Guarantee, as the need for this is stronger than ever. Moreover, the suggestions submitted to the European Commission’s open consultation on the Roadmap for Basic Services for Children in Need – European Child Guarantee were reiterated.
Specific elements that were highlighted included barriers that need to be overcome to ensure that children in need get adequate access to the above-mentioned services, such as access to public green spaces and active mobility options, advertising and marketing of unhealthy diets as well as skills and competences in digital literacy including infrastructure and equipment. It was also suggested that action in the area of education should be improved by providing free/subsidised non-stigmatising meal schemes in educational settings health screenings including mental health, cognitive/linguistic and social wellbeing. In the area of health, action should be enlarged by including mental health support services to children and their parents/caregivers.
The feedback in full can be found here.