EuroHealthNet responds to EU food information consultation
EuroHealthNet welcomes the opportunity to contribute to this public consultation in the hope that our health equity-focused input will strengthen the legal provisions for Member States’ disposal to improve their food systems. In laying out the vision for facilitating healthier food choices. EuroHealthNet aims to bring to the attention of the European Commission the importance of addressing in the societal roots of nutritional health inequalities.
Changing food behaviour equitably will only be possible through tackling the systemic factors that determine people’s food choices along a social gradient, such as poverty and the level of socio-economic disadvantage. That is, unhealthy behaviours are not just the result of individual and temporary choices, but they are influenced by societal and contextual factors.
Read our full consultation responses below.
Facilitating healthier food choices – establishing nutrient profiles
Food labelling – revision of rules on information provided to consumers for alcoholic beverages
Revision of EU legislation on Food Information to Consumers