EuroHealthNet responds to the evaluation of the legislative framework for tobacco control
EuroHealthNet welcomes the European Commission’s efforts launching an evaluation of the EU legislative framework for tobacco control brought about by the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, which calls for a creation of a ‘Tobacco-Free Generation’ of less than 5% of the population using tobacco by 2040 (compared to about 25% today). Reducing tobacco use among existing consumers and preventing take up by young people, accounting for vulnerabilities and inequalities are important objectives towards a Tobacco-Free Europe. In addition to our previous input to this avail
- EuroHealthNet responds to EU Tobacco Products Directive Survey
- EuroHealthNet responds to the Public Consultation on the Taxation of Tobacco Products and New Products
EuroHealthnet has also contributed with a contribution to the European Commission imminent NCDs Healthier Together initiative calling for stronger and more comprehensive tobacco control across the EU.