EuroHealthNet responds to the launch of the European Cancer Inequalities Registry
On 25 November, DG SANTE launched the European Cancer Inequalities Registry during the first stakeholder meeting of the Beating Cancer Stakeholder Group.
The scope of this Registry is to “identify trends, disparities and inequalities between Member States and regions” and provide further guidance on investments and interventions at EU, national and regional level within Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.
EuroHealthNet applauds the Commission’s efforts to introduce a Cancer Inequalities Registry as part of its ambitions to address cancer prevalence and incidence, by implementing effective and evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention solutions and addressing the prevailing inequalities that are associated with cancer and co-existing health conditions. People in disadvantaged groups are predisposed to higher risks of cancers and poorer access to screening, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and care, and the impact of COVID-19 has further worsened such vulnerability. To combat this exacerbated situation, efforts must be made to reduce social and economic inequalities in cancer-related health outcomes, increase opportunities for prevention, and minimise the steep social gradients in cancers. The approaches taken should not solely tackle individual behaviours (causing a “lifestyle drift” in our actions), but rather, focus on addressing the structural and underlying causes of ill-health and diseases.
You may find our full response to the launch of the Cancer Inequalities Registry here.