EuroHealthNet responds to the Public Consultation on the Taxation of Tobacco Products and New Products
Tobacco taxation is a major instrument to discourage tobacco consumption and reduce smoking prevalence. The high number of smokers in the EU remains a major concern and price gaps between EU countries fuel unintended cross-border shopping. Current EU rules are being reviewed to ensure that they remain fit for purpose and can contribute to the ambitions of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. The goal of this consultation was to ensure that all relevant stakeholders had an opportunity to express their their views on the current taxation rules of tobacco products and its futures.
The EuroHealthNet partnership strongly supports the continued increase of excise duties and taxation on tradition tobacco products, in conjunction with comprehensive and easily accessible tobacco cessation services. To further improve EU’s tobacco taxation, EuroHealthNet made a number of recommendations. These include closing the tax gap between and harmonising fiscal policies of EU member states, and adopt a strategy to mitigate the risk of e-cigarettes becoming a gateway product to tobacco.