EuroHealthNet submits feedback on the European Commission’s methodology for reporting on social spending in the context of the EU recovery and resilience facility
The Recovery and Resilience Facility aims to mitigate the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic by funding reforms and investments made by EU countries. For the Facility to be able to direct and prioritise the investments in support of the implementation of Social Rights, this initiative sets out the methodology for reporting on national measures with a social focus, including those aimed at children and young people. It also envisages a specific report on social spending to improve gender equality.
In its response to the public consultation seeking views and ideas on what such a methodology should encompass, EuroHealthNet highlighted the need to ensure that multi-governance level public expenditures in social fields (including health) are adequate, realistic, and evidence-informed. This, in turn, will foster modern, forward-looking and resilient social protection systems able to support people in meeting their daily needs, withstand the risks and build their resilience when most vulnerable. Beyond focusing on widening the scope of the vulnerable groups to better target the social spending for, we called on the European Commission to take a step forward and include in the proposed definition the requirement to Member States to provide information on how decisions are taken.
The full consultation response is available here.
In January 2021, EuroHealthNet called for a National Recovery and Resilience Plans to support sustainable and fair health and social care systems. Read more here.