EuroHealthNet workshop on Health Promotion Best Practice Portals – Germany (Members-only)
Together with EuroHealthNet partners the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA), French National Public Health Agency (Santé publique France) and the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), we are organising a workshop on Developing Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Best Practice Portals on 11-12 June 2019. The workshop is kindly hosted by the BZgA in Cologne and will be open to the experts in the field. The workshop will focus on:
- Sharing the various approaches currently used for developing best practice portals and discussing their successes and challenges.
- Discussing the assessment criteria for evaluating best practices, including how to make the portal inclusive while maintaining high quality.
- Addressing issues of evidence, including how core elements of effective interventions are identified. Discussing scalability and replicability of best practices, and how to organize information on ‘what works’ in health promotion by theme and target group.
- Exchanging ideas for stimulating the use and promotion of best practice portals and their associated interventions.
- Addressing the user experience from both the intervention owner and public health worker perspectives.
- Exploring added value of joint European approaches.
Venue: Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung / Federal Centre for Health Education, Maarweg 149-161, 50825 Köln/Cologne
The agenda of the workshop is as follows:
Day 1: 11 June
9.00 Welcome and introductions- BZgA and participants
9.30 Overview of current development of national best practices portals
10.30 Presentation of the Best Practices Portal of the Steering Group on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention of the European Commission
11.00 Coffee break
11:20 Assessment criteria for evaluating and identifying suitable interventions for health promotion best practices.
12.30 Lunch
13:30 What Works Centre for evidence-based policies in France
13:45 Database design: ‘what works’ by theme and target group
15.00 Coffee break
15.20 Translating best practice interventions into implementation, by RIVM.
16.00 Where do we stand? What are common topics? Any other portals of participating MS?
17.15 Day one wrap-up: reviewing our lessons learned
19.30 Dinner
Day 2: 12 June
9:00 Introduction to breakout sessions, topics arising from day one
10.00 Cost-effectiveness of prevention database, by RIVM.
10.30 Exploring potentials for joint (European) actions
12.00 Closing remarks