Exploring the integration of a ‘food system sustainability scoreboard’ into the European Semester – A EuroHealthNet & Best-ReMaP Workshop
Food system expert workshop - defining the FSSS and debating the policy and advocacy challenges associated with implementation.
Date and time: 22 September 2023, 08:30 - 12:30 (CEST)
Location: Brussels, Venue to be defined.
In the context of the policy-integration work of the Joint Action Best-ReMap, a dedicated advocacy paper has been drafted. This paper brings the case for integrating a Food System Sustainability Scoreboard (FSSS) into the monitoring of the European Semester.
In 2022 and 2023, this paper was presented by EuroHealthNet on several occasions, gathering interest and support from stakeholders at all levels. With the successful completion of this initial step, our aim in 2023 is to progress with this work by defining a more precise vision of what is needed to implement this idea.
The purpose of this workshop aims to address two main questions:
- The ‘what’ – the decision on what the Food System Sustainability Scoreboard should look like.
Part one of this workshop will focus on the scientific aspect of the debate and what it is needed to properly develop a Food System Sustainability Scoreboard. Questions will focus on whether or not we have the tools available, how we could uniform data collection across different countries, and how such a systemic index could be framed in practice.This part will focus not only on EuroHealthNet activities in the JA Best-ReMaP, but also on other institutions’ work, such as the monitoring of the Farm to For Strategy by JRC. Participants will have the opportunity to address the challenges as well as the opportunities available to modify current indexes for the European Semester.
- The ‘how’ – looking from a policy and advocacy perspective how could a Food System Sustainability Scoreboard be embedded into the European Semester and by what means could it be achieved?
The second part of this workshop will present current EU level and MSs mechanisms. EU level experts and Member State representatives will discuss how to maximise synergies and define more precisely what future actions are needed to insert a FSSS into the European Semester.The focus of this question must be twofold since it is necessary to understand how processes and interests of EU level actors can be best combined with those at Member State level.
Participation is based on invitation only. For more information about the event, please contact our Research Coordinator Samuele Tonello.