Intersectoral working among education and health: from words into actions – session during the 13th European Congress on Global Health
During the 13th European Congress on Global Health, ECTMIH2023, we will take part in an interactive session “Intersectoral working among education and health: from words into actions”. The session is organised by the UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education in collaboration with Maastricht University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, JOGG and EuroHealthNet. The session will take place on 22 November 2023, from 17.15 – 18.45 CET.
Intersectoral working
The COVID pandemic has highlighted the importance of intersectoral working between health and education sectors. Yet they still have their own objectives and speak their own language. During this session we will look at the importance of intersectoral working between health and education and especially how this can be put into practice. We will share good examples of intersectoral working in school and community settings and on implementation in a co-creative way contributing to social change. Participants are invited to share their experiences. By the end of this session participants will have practical ideas to improve intersectoral collaboration in their own work.
Aim of the session
- Share experiences on intersectoral working among education and health sectors, in particular the health promoting school approach;
- Share experiences on how intersectoral working is put into practice in different regions and contexts (good practices);
- Share suggestions of structuring these initiatives to take them further.
- Goof Buijs, manager UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education
- Dr. Stef Kremers, professor of Health promotion, vice-dean Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, Netherlands
- Kathelijne Bessems, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences, Maastricht University, Netherlands
- Bonnie van Dongen, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Patty Scholten, Manager Healthy Communities, JOGG, Netherlands
- Ingrid Stegeman, Programme Manager, EuroHealthNet
Do you want to join?
In case you would like to participate in the session “Intersectoral working among education and health: from words into actions”, you need to register for the ECTMIH2023 conference.
More information about ECTMIH2023