Joint Action on Reducing Alcohol Related Harm (RARHA)(2014-2016)
RARHA, funded by the European Union under the second EU Health Programme, is a 3 years action aiming at supporting Member States to take forward work on common priorities in line with the EU Alcohol Strategy and strengthen Member States’ capacity to address and reduce the harm associated with alcohol.
The aims of the Joint Action are to strengthen the knowledge base by improving access to comparable data on drinking levels and patterns and related harms and to foster the use of common and cost-effective approaches to inform and raise awareness on drinking patterns and alcohol related harms. The Joint Action will produce tools to support action and public health policy planning to address alcohol as a key determinant of health and contributor to health inequalities.
The most important resources to come forth from RARHA are:
- Toolkit for evidence-based good practices for school-based and early interventions for reducing alcohol-related harm.
- Consumer survey on communication of alcohol associated risks
- Comparative monitoring of alcohol epidemiology across the EU – Baseline assessment and suggestions for future action. Synthesis report.
For more information about RARHA – click here.