Les Villes-Santé en temps de crise sanitaire : apprendre de l’expérience de la COVID19, construire l’avenir
The French Network of Healthy Cities of the WHO is organizing, in partnership with the City of Rennes, on November 9, 2021, its national conference on the theme “Healthy Cities in times of health crisis: learning from the experience of COVID19, building the future ”. The meeting will be held in French and will take place in Rennes, France.
EuroHealthNet will speak during the conference, emphasising the need for the kind of work that the Healthy Cities movement is doing to address the underlying determinants of health equity. Meeting this need requires strengthening resources available at the local level. This need is set out and supported by the upcoming recommendations of the Joint Action on Health Equity in Europe (JAHEE), that EuroHealthNet is part of. Moreover, this need is reaffirmed by finding of a EuroHealthNet analysis of whether and how EU Recovery and Resilience Funds are being spent in ways that can contribute to reducing health equity, scheduled to be published in November.
EuroHealthNet speaking (in French) here.