Med Dialogue for rights and equality: sharing insights on COVID-19 communication and access to information in the EU and MENA regions

In January 2021, EuroHealthNet launched its first collaboration with the Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality, an EU-funded technical assistance programme strengthening CSOs active in the Southern Neighborhood and Euro-Mediterranean space. In collaboration with the project coordinator, Maharat Foundation, EuroHealthNet is organising a series of webinars focused on access to public health information: a key for public accountability and health equity in times of COVID-19.

Four public webinars are available:

Webinar #1) Public Communication, an Effective Tool to Enhance Access to Health Information

Webinar #2) Free Circulation of Information and the Shrinking of Civic Space in the Arab World: Security Before Health

Webinar #3) The challenges of supporting refugees’ health during COVID-19

Webinar #4) Conclusion

The aim of these webinars, and an associated online advocacy campaign, is to provide guidance on current international practice for sharing information on COVID-19 and public health measures to reduce its spread. The collaboration showcases examples from both the EU and MENA context in order to enhance the provision of accurate and transparent information about COVID-19 statistics and prevention measures, particularly via media, to support the health of the population and to help end the pandemic. The project will run for the first half of 2021.