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This Country Exchange Visit in Athens, Greece, on 12-13 December was hosted by EuroHealthNet, in collaboration with the Institute of Preventive Medicine Environmental and Occupational Health (PROLEPSIS), under the topic “Migrant and Refugee Health”.During this Country Exchange Visit, delegates from Greece, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, and the Netherlands had the opportunity to explore ongoing initiatives to address the health needs of migrants and refugees and to training health staff. They also discussed the role of local and regional health services in health promotion and prevention and community integration, and the approach of the European Union to tackle migrants’ and refugees’ health needs.Presentations and full documentation are available in the members’ section of the website.EuroHealthNet study visits are supported by the European Commission, through the Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI 2014-2020). 


About EuroHealthNet Country Exchange Visits

EuroHealthNet Country Exchange Visits are members-only events that are open to senior delegates. The aim is two-fold, namely (1) to exchange good practices and policies on selected core themes and showcase members’ work to a selection of senior European colleagues and, at the same time, (2) discuss how related EU policy processes may support health equity at national, regional and local levels.