OECD Conference Well-being and Mental Health – An integrated policy approach (EuroHealthNet speaking)
The OECD Conference Well being and Mental Health is taking place on 06 December – 09 December 2021.
EuroHealthNet representatives Dorota Sienkiewicz and Ingrid Stegeman attend the OECD Conference Well-being and Mental Health – An integrated policy approach.
This conference will bring together policy makers, leading academics, data producers and people with lived experience to deepen understanding of the interrelationships between mental health and people’s economic, social, environmental and relational well-being. The conference outcomes will be used to inform a new OECD project on integrated approaches to well-being and mental health.
Monday 6 December 2021
15:00 – 15.05 Welcome and moderation
Welcome by Ulrik Vestergaard Knudsen, OECD Deputy Secretary-General
Moderated by Romina Boarini, Director, OECD WISE Centre
15:05 – 15.30 Keynote: Social determinants of health
Sir Michael Marmot, Director of the UCL Institute of Health Equity
15.30 – 15.50 Lived experience session: How to tackle mental health at work (&life)
Nele Groeger and Luisa Weyrich, Shitshow Mental Health Consultancy
15.50 – 16.00 Coffee break
16.00 – 17.15 Integrated approaches to mental health: where do we stand, where do we need to go next?
- Adam Coutts, Weatherhead scholar (2021 to 2022), Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs, Harvard University, Senior Research Fellow, Magdalene College, University of Cambridge
- Alonzo L. Plough, Chief science officer and vice president, Research-Evaluation-Learning, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Emily Hewlett, Policy Analyst, OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs
- Carrie Exton, Head of Unit, Well-being Data Insights and Policy, OECD WISE Centre
Find the full agenda here.