EuroHealthNet Country Exchange Visit: Promoting health in the community: social prescribing and other strategies (members only)
Lisbon, Portugal
Read the report of this Country Exchange Visit here.
Integrated and community-based health and social care services offer new and untapped opportunities to generate health and address the diversity and complexity of health and social issues faced by different populations and individuals. Person-centred, primary health care systems linked to a wider set of locally-available and accessible services, such as social, cultural, educational and employment services, have the potential to enhance the quality of life of people facing vulnerability and to improve population health and wellbeing at large.
This Country Exchange Visit, hosted by the National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA) in Portugal, will focus on how national or regional public health agencies are working towards a more ‘holistic’ approach to health with the aim of improving people’s ability to adapt, self-manage their health and become more resilient. Participants will discuss examples of social prescribing and other health promoting primary care strategies such as positive health to explore the political, financial and practical enablers that connect community and primary health care and social services.
During the meeting, there will be an opportunity to visit relevant initiatives taking place in Lisbon and peri-urban areas. Here, participants will meet and exchange with health professionals, political leaders, registered patients, and community service providers that are part of a network of social prescribing activities in Portugal. We will also explore European level strategies and programmes that could support such initiatives, and the financial aspects of running such cross-sectoral programmes.
Some practical details:
- Senior delegates and colleagues are invited to express interest to take part in the Country Exchange Visit.
- Please note that all participants will be required to invest some time in preparing for the event, for example, by presenting information from your country.
- Country Exchange Visits are held in English. Unfortunately, no interpretation service will be available. Due to the interactive nature of Country Exchange Visits, it is therefore advised that the representative attending feels comfortable exchanging information in English.
- Participants should arrive on the 3rd of May, since the Country Exchange Visit will begin the following morning at 9:00.
- EuroHealthNet can fund the participation (travel and accommodation) of a limited number of Members. EuroHealthNet will contact you with confirmation if you can attend on a funded basis.
- Have a look at the agenda here.