The Austrian Health Promotion Foundation (FGOe) in Vienna was the host of our Country Exchange Visit. Throughout the visit, we exchanged good practices and experiences to ensure healthy diets amongst children. The purpose was to discuss what is/can be done to strengthen inter-sectoral cooperation to improve children’s diets and address socio-economic, environmental and commercial determinants of health. At the end of the visit, the participants identified what should be included in future health promotion strategies to achieve good nutrition amongst children.

In addition, participants had the opportunity to visit a breastmilk bank at the hospital and the health-promoting school.

Besides site visits, the agenda of the Country Exchange Visit included presentations on:

  • The Austrian Health Promotion Foundation and its role in promoting health in the country (By FGOË and ÖBIG).
  • Promoting healthy diets amongst children: challenges and opportunities for a positive impact (By the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection, FGOË and TBC).
  • EU policies and instruments to support work on health promotion, health equity and social inclusion, with a focus on healthy diets (By EuroHealthNet).
  • Knowledge exchange: Early intervention programmes to ensure a healthy start in life (By TVC and REVAN).
  • Knowledge exchange: Good practices to promote healthy eating in schools and amongst school-aged children.
  • What health promotion professions can do to improve children’s diets and address the underlying environmental, socio-economic and commercial determinants of health.

The report of the Country Exchange Visit is available here.