Reducing Health Inequalities Experienced by LGBTI People – Final conference
EuroHealthNet and ILGA-Europe are organising the Final Conference of the Health4LGBTI pilot project, which was launched in 2016 to increase our understanding of how best to reduce health inequalities experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex (LGBTI) people, especially those in vulnerable situations.
Registration deadline: Midnight CET, Thursday 11th January.
The two half-day Conference will bring together the findings, discussions, and outputs of the project, in particular a training course for health professionals on how to reduce health inequalities.
It will also provide an opportunity to reflect on the issues and identify ways forward at EU and national levels. Discussions will be structured around the following main axes:
- Placing the Health4LGBTI pilot project in its context: What does research at EU level show about prevalent health inequalities for LGBTI people? What are the challenges faced by both LGBTI people and health professionals? What steps are needed to address these challenges? Are there examples of good practice at national level?
- Engaging health professionals and stakeholders to address health inequalities for LGBTI people in Europe: How was the training package developed and how can it help health professionals overcome barriers? What are the lessons learnt from the piloting?
- Next steps for policy change: What is the most effective way to address the health needs of LGBTI people and to involve health professionals? How can policy makers help? Are there initiatives that could serve as examples?
Conference admission is free of change.
The Conference is organised by EuroHealthNet and ILGA-Europe, who are part of a consortium of 5 EU partners appointed by the European Commission and funded by the European Parliament to carry out the project.
Online registration is now closed. If you need to contact the organisers of the conference, please send an email to
Health4LGBTI is an EU funded pilot project aimed at reducing health inequalities experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and intersex (LGBTI) people. Read more about the project, EuroHealthNet’s role in it, and the resources produced here.