Response to consultation on ‘2030 Digital Decade’ policy programme – key performance indicators (KPIs)
EuroHealthNet welcomes the European Commission’s long-term ‘2030 Digital Decade’ vision that will set out goals, targets, and pathways to direct the European Union’s digital transition over the following ten years.
The digital transformation of our societies is underway and the coming years will be crucial in defining how this process will be steered. Health and social inequalities are prevalent in most European societies, and the digital transformation offers an opportunity to tackle them. Yet, the digitisation process could exacerbate pre-existing inequalities and subsequential manifestations among various population groups if the challenges and barriers to inclusion are not addressed today. The European Commission’s initiative to set out key performance indicators (KPIs) as part of its Digital Decade policy programme for 2030 is an important step in tracking the progress of the EU’s digital targets.
EuroHealthNet recommends that the indicators adopt a strong socioeconomic dimension, measuring digital skills across the socioeconomic gradient. Data should be disaggregated by socioeconomic status to ensure that vulnerable and socially groups are reached. Moreover, the measurement of digital skills should be supported by an additional dimension of literacy and health literacy.
Read EuroHealthNet’s full input for Digital Decade KPIs here.