Response to orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe
With a proposed budget of 100 Billion Euro from 2021 to 2027, the Horizon Europe framework programme represents the largest collaborative research and innovation investment in the world and is open to participants worldwide. EuroHealthNet responded to a consultation for the Horizon Europe framework that focused on questions that had not been addressed in earlier consultations.
An interconnected character of the Horizon Europe (HE) targeted impacts, bringing in more coherence to the overall impact of the programme is welcome. Overall, “European Green Deal”, “Economy that works for people”, and “Europe fit for the digital age” priorities will be most likely reached through HE investments. From a public health perspective, environments in which we live are key determinants of health and wellbeing, subject to differential and often unfair distribution in populations. R&I should be able to ensure that the transition to greater sustainability is feasible for all and socially fair.