Responses to Multiannual Financial Framework consultations
In the summer of 2018, EuroHealthNet responded to 14 consultations relating to the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027, the EU’s next long-term budget.
The details of the consultations can be found below.
Consultation Response MFF – CAP Strategic Plans.pdf
Consultation Response MFF – European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).pdf
Consultation Response MFF AGRI Proposal (3 3) Common Organisation of the Markets.pdf
Consultation Response MFF Draft legislative proposal on the InvestEU Programme and EFSI.pdf
Consultation Response MFF Erasmus Programme 2021-2027.pdf
Consultation Response MFF Internal Market, Competitiveness of SMEs and European Statistics.pdf
Consultation Response MFF Legislative proposals for ERDF_CF, ETC (Interreg) and ECBC.pdf
Consultation Response MFF Multiannual Financial Framework – Digital Europe programme.pdf
Consultation Response MFF Regulation for establishing the Reform Support.pdf
Consultation Response MFF Rights and Values programme 2021-2027.pdf
Consultation Response MFF Specific Programme implementing the 9th Framework.pdf