Ukraine crisis: supporting neighbouring EU Member States and Moldova on health-related matters
Members of EuroHealthNet and the South-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) met on the 12th of April to discuss common and specific challenges related to public health faced by networks in the Ukraine crisis. Discussions were held to see where further support can be given, in terms of connections, information, joint advocacy etc. The meeting will invite national health institutes and authorities in the neighbouring Ukraine countries:
- Poland
- Romania
- Hungary
- Slovakia
- Moldova
- The report of the meeting.
- EuroHealthNet PowerPoint slides on EU initiatives in response to Ukraine crisis.
- EuroHealthNet Policy brief: An overview of EU funding and tools available to deal with consequences of the war in Ukraine.
- EuroHealthNet Statement: EuroHealthNet calls for more integrated, coordinated European action to ensure the fundamentals of good health in the face of conflict.