Dr. Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš

September 5, 2022
portrait of Mojca Gabrijelcic

Dr. Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš is a medical doctor and a specialist in public health. She also has a PhD in social sciences. Her fields of interest and expertise are nutrition, physical activity, and in last few years, aging and frailty. She was head of the Health Promotion centre at the NIPH Slovenia from 2003 to 2010. Today, she is mostly involved in policy and programme development, and in research projects. Her main academic interest is in public policies; she holds assistant professorship at the Faculty of Health Sciences where she teaches health promotion theory and health in all policies.

As well as national nutrition and physical activity strategic policy development, Mojca participated in the assessment of the health impacts of agriculture and nutrition policies in Slovenia, with a special emphasis on assessing the impact of accession of Slovenia to EU and health equity. She coordinated the evaluation of the Slovene nutrition policy in 2010 and the working group for the preparation of the national nutrition and health enhancing physical activity strategy for 2015-25. In the period 2014 – 2016 she coordinated the background activities and stakeholders involvement in the process of preparation of the Slovene active and healthy ageing strategy.

She has been the WHO national counterpart for nutrition since 2000. She was a member of the drafting group of the WHO Obesity Charter in 2006, and of the drafting groups for the preparation of the ‘WHO Steps to Health – A European Framework to promote Physical Activity for Health 2007’ document. She has been actively involved in the work of the WHO action networks on nutrition and inequalities since 2008. At the EU level, she participates in the work of HLG on nutrition and physical activity and was nominated as a national representative in the Steering group for the Evaluation of the EU Platform on Nutrition, Physical activity and Obesity in 2009/10, and as a member of the Steering group for the Evaluation of the EU White paper on nutrition 2007-13.

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